Anyone use a Camelbak for road riding ?



  • simon_masterson
    simon_masterson Posts: 2,740
    [code]But remember, you get respect from 'real roadies' by performing well... not by how you look :wink:

    Correct, but who brought looks into this? If I thought a Camelbak were remotely practical or necessary, I would wear one. I often see road cyclists wearing them. Because I don't, I don't. ;)

    I'm guessing that you don't have bottles mounted in all of the locations I mentioned, so I'll simply see your choice of a Camelbak as a purely personal one that carries no particular advantage. Until I have used all of those locations and still found myself wanting, I won't be getting a Camelbak. :D
  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731
    [code]But remember, you get respect from 'real roadies' by performing well... not by how you look :wink:

    Correct, but who brought looks into this? If I thought a Camelbak were remotely practical or necessary, I would wear one. I often see road cyclists wearing them. Because I don't, I don't. ;)

    I'm guessing that you don't have bottles mounted in all of the locations I mentioned, so I'll simply see your choice of a Camelbak as a purely personal one that carries no particular advantage. Until I have used all of those locations and still found myself wanting, I won't be getting a Camelbak. :D

    I personally dislike having my jersey pockets stuffed full when cycling and a small pack fits the job nicely. It's my personal choice... so obviously you respect that, right?
    As many people are aware (and as proved by the p*ss taking within 'the rules' and previous comments)... people have far too strong an opinion for what is essentially a personal choice on luggage arrangements.