To a future Tour winner...

esafosfina Posts: 131
edited July 2012 in Pro race
As posted on Facebook, but worth repeating:
In 1998 I shared a room at the KL Commie Games with a young and very talented rider... as much as I would have liked to kick his arse at times, that same rider is due to take the yellow jersey into Paris on Sunday... my friend, you are the goods! Chapeau!


  • getprg
    getprg Posts: 245
    As a keen but very untalented 14 year old rider I remember seeing the tv coverage of Tommy Simpson's death on Ventoux and thinking why can't a Brit win the tour. It's been a long wait but I feel as emotional as Wiggo has appeared in the last few post-stage looks like the long wait is almost over..........and then two potential Brit winners come along at once. Chapeau to Wiggo, Froome, Cavendish (what was he on today!) and the rest of the Sky team.

    Talk about London buses!