Sprinter gone cyclist?

kojomojo Posts: 12
edited July 2012 in Road beginners
So I used to be a sprinter (running 100m 200m), i've never been good at long distances (compared to short distances)
I've recently rediscovered my love for cycling, I've been looking at doing the manchester 100k and although i've put on about 20lbs since my running days i'm wondering how easy/hard it is to change to long distances and cycling at a decent level

Now i'm not saying i'm going to be the next Mark Cavendish but at 6ft 3 230lb, after shedding some weight could i do some competitive cycling?

Maybe a silly question but one I have been pondering nonetheless :lol:


  • markp80
    markp80 Posts: 444
    Hi there,

    For me it's about setting your own personal goals and challenges then achieving them. I played rugby for a lot of year's. Was I any good? - not really, but I worked hard and surprised myself at the standard I achieved.

    So can you take up cycling competitively? - you bet. Will you win? - who knows, but you'll have a great time trying. What have you got to lose? - nothing!

    If you've been a competitive athlete, you know the score. Work hard and be honest with yourself.

    Boardman Road Comp - OK, I went to Halfords
    Tibia plateau fracture - the rehab continues!
  • The short answer is yes. I was also a club/county/university sprinter but have since (after a gap of 30 years) done 4 marathons and now do triathlons. I'm gradually working up the distances working towards my first full Ironman in 2015. Endurance doesn't come as easily to me as short burst of power but the good news is that you can change your muscle type, specifically the proportion of slow-twitch fibres, through training. The challenge for you and me is greater than for natural endurance athletes but knowing that is also part of the reward. Enjoy!
  • kojomojo
    kojomojo Posts: 12
    Yeah that was one of my main worries, whether my muscle type would be able to cope, nonetheless i'm going to do the manchester 100k with a friend of mine.
    The replies have instilled more confidence in me entering the ride so thankyou!