Coming down to earth

markp80 Posts: 444
edited July 2012 in Road beginners
I went out on one of my first rides the other day and was rather pleased with myself having done 14 miles in just under an hour. The ride included a long steep hill (in my book) which allowed me to get up a fair lick of speed. Anyway I thought tonight I would do the same route but in the opposite direction to give myself a challenge up that hill.

So there I was, pushing hard, digging deep, legs burning, clearly in my world about to win king of the mountains (you get the picture). Then I heard a cheery "hello" and a guy came past me like I was standing still and vanished into the distance in the blink of an eye. I reckon he must have been 70 if he was a day.

So, that puts into perspective just what a beginner I am! Next time out I'll do that hill again then I'll go down and do it a second time. This bug bites hard!!!

Boardman Road Comp - OK, I went to Halfords
Tibia plateau fracture - the rehab continues!


  • I reckon I can trump that a guy about 70 breezed past me on a local hill on a folding bike :!: I have also been passed by someone on a MTB on the same hill :shock:

    Still I console myself that I am old and fat but less fat than I was and will climb Alpe D'Huez before I die (unless I die climbing it :wink:
  • markp80
    markp80 Posts: 444
    Ha ha, fantastic!
    Boardman Road Comp - OK, I went to Halfords
    Tibia plateau fracture - the rehab continues!
  • kojomojo
    kojomojo Posts: 12
    Haha I was in exactly the same position the other day, the guy was about 60, which is rather shameful considering I'm 20 :D
  • navrig
    navrig Posts: 1,352
    Last year 3 of us were out for our usual Sat morning ride when we came across a guy on a hardtail MTB. We passed him but couldn't lose him. His bike had full nobblies, didn't look a good fit and we had a headwind.
  • declan1
    declan1 Posts: 2,470
    Navrig wrote:
    Last year 3 of us were out for our usual Sat morning ride when we came across a guy on a hardtail MTB. We passed him but couldn't lose him. His bike had full nobblies, didn't look a good fit and we had a headwind.

    Same happened to me. A friend and I passed this kid on a MTB - flew past him. 5 mins later he was catching us up again! Was about to be a very awkward moment so I just sprinted down the rest of the hill to avoid it :D

    Road - Dolan Preffisio
    MTB - On-One Inbred

    I have no idea what's going on here.
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    kojomojo wrote:
    Haha I was in exactly the same position the other day, the guy was about 60, which is rather shameful considering I'm 20 :D

    Why you little...

    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Heh heh, I was out on a ride with my wife a few weeks ago and was looking mint (RS80s on the bike, Castelli kit on me with some nice shades on too). I had gone about 100 yards off the front so was just freewheeling waiting for her to catch up...and then some elderly chap passed me on a pink bike, white shopping basket at the front and he was wearing big flappy shorts and flip flops. I have never been so ashamed in all my life :)
  • Frank pole
    Frank pole Posts: 112
    I had a similar boasting a year ago - thought I was doing ok , steady pace 20 mph then an old boy on a 80s Peugeot with a buckled back wheel and tescos shopping bags on each handle bar goes flying passed me - I put it down to performance enhancing drugs! Should have grassed him up!
  • ad_snow
    ad_snow Posts: 469
    I was out on a little jaunt with a friend last week on our single speeds.. just climbed a hill so were easing off slightly and some cocky little 15 year old came past on a MTB no handed eating sweets out of a packet.

    Instantly we picked up the pace but took a good 0.5k to catch him up and overtake but it was so embarrassing!
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    My two-pennyworth.

    I was stalked by an old guy (older than me!) on a charity ride who I couldn't shake off. When we met at a junction I realised he was on an electric bike good for 25mph! Riders d'un certain age might recognise the feeling. :D
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • Graeme Jones
    Graeme Jones Posts: 361
    Its a good thing it happens as it motivates me to get better, faster, stronger and fitter. I have a route I complete fairly regularly as it offers hills, flats, down hill stretches etc and some good scenery. There is one particularly tough hill in which I happened to record my best segment on strava and this chap over takes me doing a good 5miles per hour more and not out of breath.
    I am going to keep pushing until that hill is nothing and I am looking for steeper! :mrgreen::mrgreen:
  • biscuit959
    biscuit959 Posts: 111
    Yeah I remember starting out last year and people would overtake me all the time, and I came on here and somebody said "one day, you will be doing the overtaking my young padawon, (ok, maybe I added the star wars bit for effect :p) but you get the point - he was right, I don't often get passed now and if I do I always tell myself that it must be the bike the other persons riding haha.

    So yeah, keep at it and you'll be overtaking people before you know it :)
  • markp80
    markp80 Posts: 444
    Some great posts!

    I'm simultaneously heartened that I'm obviously far from alone and encouraged to stick with it and things may improve!

    Boardman Road Comp - OK, I went to Halfords
    Tibia plateau fracture - the rehab continues!
  • ricklilley
    ricklilley Posts: 110
    I once stopped at the top of short steep climb halfway round a route i was riding, just for a quick breather and a drink. In the 20/30 seconds i was stopped an old guy on an even older steel framed tourer, appeared from nowhere, asked me if i was ok then dissapeared into the distance. It was all i could do to keep him in sight, never mind catch him up.
    Specialized Allez sport 2010
    Handsome Dog framed MTB