Boring boring boring....

plectrum Posts: 225
edited July 2012 in Pro race
So I'm fairly sure that this year's tour has been fairly boring primarily because it is clean and secondarily because there are only a couple of teams who really subscribe to clean riding and hence realise that to achieve something similar they need to train better, harder, more dedicated etc.

I wonder as the other teams evolve and adapt to this brave clean new world whether it will make the competition closer again and so more exciting.

My view on it being boring because it is clean is based that in the past a rest day could mean someone who was previously spent exit it as a superhuman machine where as now all it does is fairly even recovery to all ..... well apart from Voeckler. :p


  • Lichtblick
    Lichtblick Posts: 1,434
    Since you're so bored with this year's Tour, maybe as verylonglegs says here in another thread where I stupidly attempted to start a new and different slant on watching it ...
    Methinks you'd be better off watching the golf.

    Also, there's a logical fallacy in your post. IF there are only a couple of teams who "really subscribe to clean riding" then logic says that the other 20 teams are riding dirty. Therefore, at least one of them should be streets ahead of Sky, whom I presume you mean.

    Oh silly me. Done it again. Replied to a wind up. 67 views and I'm the only one to answer.
  • plectrum
    plectrum Posts: 225
    No I think many are riding clean or systematic doping really has come to an end. The issue there is a lot of old guard who still know no better way and so now they are confused stumbling around dazed and confused. These new clean slick teams are running rings around them purely through preparation.
  • plectrum
    plectrum Posts: 225
    Heh sorry guys, didnt see the other thread. .... ignore this all been discussed already!