Last mountain stage - I hope Wiggo puts the boot in

Clements753 Posts: 77
edited July 2012 in Pro race
Wiggo, to me, looks like he is getting stronger and more confident by the day.

Now I know he has been doing what he needs to do to win yellow and that has been fantastic. However if it is just him, Nibs and Froome in the last couple of Km's to the MTF I really hope he allows himself to open up and show us (and the other racers) that he really is the boss going uphill as well as in the TT.


  • slim_boy_fat
    slim_boy_fat Posts: 1,810
    It would certainly shut a few people up! He looked strong and easy in pulling Nibs back but I think he will play tomorrow as he's played the rest of the tour.
  • dougzz
    dougzz Posts: 1,833
    But he's probably not the boss going uphill, and he knows it. This has been a fantastic example of planning and playing to your strengths. He knew he could take time in the TT, and then all he had to do was stay with the Evans/Schleck/VdB/Nibali/Scarponi etc. group in the mountains. As it happened he's been superior to most of them in the mountains, because of the way they've allowed Sky to control everything. If VdB and Nibali really had the legs would they be sitting behind Porte and Rogers? Froome and Wiggins himself have done precious little leading, typically only at the very end. I'm surprised that after Andy Schleck last year that VdB or Nibali as the serious challenges haven't tried to go away earlier, at least make Sky think about things. This having a go at all the obvious spots, has played right into Sky's hands, they're probably still on plan A, since nothing else has been needed. The only possible tactic for Nibali tomorrow is to attack early and see how Sky respond, if he waits until 4K from the top of the final climb what can he really achieve, sure with an early attack he could lose 3rd, but is that more important than trying to win? I bet if Brad was honest his biggest worry in the last week has been that Froome might go loco and just attack for himself.
  • Le Commentateur
    Le Commentateur Posts: 4,099
    Evans tried to get away 3 and a half cols from the finish last Thursday. It didn't work and he paid for it at the end.

    I think there aren't enough climber-leaders to sequentially attack Wiggins, so he isn't really running out of team-mates on the climbs early enough to become isolated.
  • esafosfina
    esafosfina Posts: 131
    He won't be getting 'stronger' physically, but mentally he'll be going from strength-to-strength... which at this time of the Tour is crucial. He'll win. And if he doesn't I'll kick his (now) scrawny arse... and he knows who 'esafosfina' is!
  • graeme_s-2
    graeme_s-2 Posts: 3,382
    esafosfina wrote:
    He won't be getting 'stronger' physically, but mentally he'll be going from strength-to-strength... which at this time of the Tour is crucial. He'll win. And if he doesn't I'll kick his (now) scrawny ars*... and he knows who 'esafosfina' is!
    If he's deteriorating at a slower rate than the competition then he could be getting physically 'stronger' relatively speaking
  • Daz555
    Daz555 Posts: 3,976
    Wiggins could win tomorrow's stage If he really really wanted it I reckon. However his desire to protect yellow will probably curtail such thoughts. He knows he will take at least 1 min out of the field on the next TT so why risk his ultimate goal for one moment of bravado to prove to people he does not give a toss about that he is stronger than Froome.

    Having said that, I'd love to see him have a good dig at Nibs and Froome tomorrow. :D
    You only need two tools: WD40 and Duck Tape.
    If it doesn't move and should, use the WD40.
    If it shouldn't move and does, use the tape.
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    I think yesterday showed Wiggins has slightly "improved" his climbing relative to Froome...suggests both are getting fatigued now but Wiggins less so. In the pyrenees and stage 7 Froome looked insanely powerful..even Evans said he couldn't beleiev how Froome could lead the whole of last 2kms and then jump away to win the stage by seconds as well. I think Froome is a little more fatigue now hence he and Bradley looked a closer match of power yesterday in the last 5km of peyresourde. As said on another thread, so glad Bert isn't here as he'd cause a world of problems for sky management and wiggo as only Froome could contain Bert
  • nferrar
    nferrar Posts: 2,511
    Would be good viewing if there's no successful breakaway today and the GC group gets to the bottom of the last mountain together. Even if Wiggo's feeling strong I doubt he'd attack as such (at least not until right near the end) as he wouldn't want to risk unexpectedly cracking, plus he'll want to save himself for the TT. However if Nibali etc. do attack a lot early on I think Froome and Wiggo will set a fairly mental tempo and we'll see the GC group blow apart spectacularly and maybe even Froome go for a stage win if Wiggins is there in the last km - I don't reckon he's actually any stronger in the mountains though just has less to lose.
  • acidstrato
    acidstrato Posts: 945
    They will play it safe and wrap up the yellow jersey. As entertaining as it would be Sky wont risk anything today. They havent taken many risks the whole tour just stuck to the game plan that suits wiggo more than anyone else in the peleton...hence why its been pretty uneventful
    Crafted in Italy apparantly
  • It may be boring to watch, but the strategy of "ride as slowly as possible and cross the finish line in first place" is the way to win races. Nibali has to try something today but realistically he needs to make up the deficit plus a couple of minutes to stand a chance on Saturday.
  • Mad_Malx
    Mad_Malx Posts: 5,161
    Would also like to see Wiggo do this, but I don't think it will happen, even if he could.

    Wiggo's hero is Indurain, and he has followed his strategy throughout this tour - take time on the TT and limit losses on the climbs.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,182
    esafosfina wrote:
    He won't be getting 'stronger' physically, but mentally he'll be going from strength-to-strength... which at this time of the Tour is crucial. He'll win. And if he doesn't I'll kick his (now) scrawny ars*... and he knows who 'esafosfina' is!

    So come on, who is esafosfina? You've made a lot of references to your time in the pro ranks, time to spill the beans ;) (don't worry, you still won't be the biggest name on the forum as Gotthetshirt2 has that wrapped up!).
  • pb21
    pb21 Posts: 2,171
    Mad_Malx wrote:
    Would also like to see Wiggo do this, but I don't think it will happen, even if he could.

    Wiggo's hero is Indurain, and he has followed his strategy throughout this tour - take time on the TT and limit losses on the climbs.

    Surely he has gained time on the climbs?
  • slim_boy_fat
    slim_boy_fat Posts: 1,810
    pb21 wrote:
    Mad_Malx wrote:
    Would also like to see Wiggo do this, but I don't think it will happen, even if he could.

    Wiggo's hero is Indurain, and he has followed his strategy throughout this tour - take time on the TT and limit losses on the climbs.

    Surely he has gained time on the climbs?
    Indeed, he's lost a handful of seconds to Froome on the climbs and that's it isn't it?
  • rebs
    rebs Posts: 891
    He doesn't need to so why bother? GC riders don't all have to be masterful explosive climbers.

    It''s down to Nibali that other great explosive climber to put the hurt on... oh wait :P
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    Dave_1 wrote:
    I think yesterday showed Wiggins has slightly "improved" his climbing relative to Froome...suggests both are getting fatigued now but Wiggins less so. In the pyrenees and stage 7 Froome looked insanely powerful..even Evans said he couldn't beleiev how Froome could lead the whole of last 2kms and then jump away to win the stage by seconds as well. I think Froome is a little more fatigue now hence he and Bradley looked a closer match of power yesterday in the last 5km of peyresourde. As said on another thread, so glad Bert isn't here as he'd cause a world of problems for sky management and wiggo as only Froome could contain Bert

    Clean Bert or dirty Bertie?
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    BigMat wrote:

    Clean Bert or dirty Bertie?

    No one knows what a clean Bert looks like, do they?
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • nickice
    nickice Posts: 2,439
    I'd love to see him do it, but what would be the point? Why risk blowing up when he's pretty much got the tour in the bag?
  • dougzz
    dougzz Posts: 1,833
    BigMat wrote:
    Clean Bert or dirty Bertie?
    Once a doper.................
    Anyway, is 3rd in a controlled manner better than giving it everything trying to win, blowing up and finishing 12th?
  • symo
    symo Posts: 1,743
    BigMat wrote:
    Dave_1 wrote:
    I think yesterday showed Wiggins has slightly "improved" his climbing relative to Froome...suggests both are getting fatigued now but Wiggins less so. In the pyrenees and stage 7 Froome looked insanely powerful..even Evans said he couldn't beleiev how Froome could lead the whole of last 2kms and then jump away to win the stage by seconds as well. I think Froome is a little more fatigue now hence he and Bradley looked a closer match of power yesterday in the last 5km of peyresourde. As said on another thread, so glad Bert isn't here as he'd cause a world of problems for sky management and wiggo as only Froome could contain Bert

    Clean Bert or dirty Bertie?
    As seen last year veggie Bertie is not up to the task. To be honest, the final climb yesterday showed that Mr Wiggins could contain Froome and Nibali, when Froome pulled Nibali back it looks as though Wiggins had the capacity to power past. Perhaps this finally showed to some people that SKY had selected the correct team leader.
    we are the proud, the few, Descendents.

    Panama - finally putting a nail in the economic theory of the trickle down effect.
  • sheffsimon
    sheffsimon Posts: 1,282
    Pross wrote:
    esafosfina wrote:
    He won't be getting 'stronger' physically, but mentally he'll be going from strength-to-strength... which at this time of the Tour is crucial. He'll win. And if he doesn't I'll kick his (now) scrawny ars*... and he knows who 'esafosfina' is!

    So come on, who is esafosfina? You've made a lot of references to your time in the pro ranks, time to spill the beans ;) (don't worry, you still won't be the biggest name on the forum as Gotthetshirt2 has that wrapped up!).

    Colin Sturgess....IMHO
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    iainf72 wrote:
    BigMat wrote:

    Clean Bert or dirty Bertie?

    No one knows what a clean Bert looks like, do they?

    If I was being generous, perhaps last year's Tour? Oh alright, as you were...
  • kieranb
    kieranb Posts: 1,674
    might keep Phil quiet on ITV4, he's showing a bit of bias for Froome in his commentary to say the least! Froome drags wiggins up, wiggins claws his way up etc, even my son and wife commented on it last night.
  • sadlybiggins
    sadlybiggins Posts: 158
    I'd like to see him do this too, but as others have said it would be crazy for him and Sky to take that kind of risk today if he doesn't need to. I suspect he'll save really opening the taps for Saturday.
  • Turfle
    Turfle Posts: 3,762
    I definitely think he could win it, but he doesn't need to, so more than likely he won't. It's clear the strongest climbers in the Tour are Froome, Wiggins, Nibali, so if ridden hard you'd expect one of those three.
  • rdt
    rdt Posts: 869
    kieranb wrote:
    might keep Phil quiet on ITV4, he's showing a bit of bias for Froome in his commentary to say the least! Froome drags wiggins up, wiggins claws his way up etc, even my son and wife commented on it last night.

    Phil's man-love was in full flow as he said something along the lines of "Froome is clearly sacrificing Tour de France victory in order to pace Wiggins back".