Accredited Marshaling Scheme

jgsi Posts: 5,062
edited July 2012 in Amateur race
How is this going..? anyone know?
Interested as apparently 1 lead car in Sundays' race was pulled by the police and given a talking to about over zealous marshaling. race was under TLi rules.


  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    In the s/w there was talk of it a yr or so back...nothing came of it :(
    no-one was interested, everyone wants to race but few racers seem prepared to give anytime to help out (seem to think that races just "appear" by magic) let alone commit months in advance.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,041
    They do a great job in Wales. There was a bit of an issue a week or so back where the accreditations hadn't come out in time and a race was on the brink of being cancelled (may have even been cancelled) but on the whole it is very good. Most of the NEG bikes really know their business.
  • hammerite
    hammerite Posts: 3,408
    Was talking about this the other day. My understanding is that the scheme has to be recognised by the local police force before it can be used in a county, as the marshal has the power to stop traffic and report anyone who doesn't stop.

    The main problem round here are the numbers, there aren't enough accredited marshals. New ones are interested, but due to the cost of the training they want you to commit to marshalling 3 races per year. People want to marshal their own club's race, but not too fussed about helping at other races.