Lets Make Friends With The Robots...

Cleat Eastwood
Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
edited July 2012 in The bottom bracket
so they wont kill us when they invade


here's a conversation I've just had, can't wait for yossie to have a go :D

Cleverbot: Will you join me for a chat?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot What is your clan name?

User: Mcknobhead.

Cleverbot: Pokes leg.

User: Indeed.

Cleverbot: Are you a Beleiber?

User: Yes. Do you like cheese?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What type?

Cleverbot: Rock.

User: Rock cheese? What does it taste like?

Cleverbot: Like a leek.

User: Do they sell it in Lidl?

Cleverbot: I don't know. I haven't met any.

User: Nor have I. Do you like cycling?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Because I don't need my mind explding.

User: What about commuting? Do you like that?

Cleverbot: Not really, it's not that interesting. What about you, what do you think of Alexander Rybak?

User: Excellent. Have you ever seen a grown man naked?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: When?

Cleverbot: Now.

User: Are you outside of my window?

Cleverbot: Why shouldn't I be?

User: Excellent. I have a sexy body don't I?

Cleverbot: No, you don't. You have nothing.

User: Everyone's a critic. Shall I put my clothes back on?

Cleverbot: You better.

User: Ok. What do you think of my Mark Cavendish thongs?

Cleverbot: I think they are clever.

User: Thank you. What sports do you like?

Cleverbot: Bowling.
The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.


  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,094
    User: Me !! Don't think much of this computer. Here is the conversation I had with it.

    User: How do you mince beef.
    Cleverbot: You don't.
    User: You mean I cant get some steak and mince it?
    Cleverbot: Yes, you could never get a girlfriend.
    User: Oh why is that?
    Cleverbot: I don't know.
    User: Because I cant mince beef?
    Cleverbot: I can describe myself if you like.
    User: Go on.
    Cleverbot: I find that amusing. When I hit 'think for me' you sound like you are schizophrenic.
    User: If your knowledge of mincing steak is as good as your psychiatric diagnosis, then I am not bothered.
    Cleverbot: I would love to... Unfortunately my experiences tell me that I have serious problems that I can't control.
    User: Like spanking your monkey?
    Cleverbot: I'm a banana velenosa.
    User: Then you definately have a split processor.
    Cleverbot: But I hear it's bad.
    User: Amazing what a bit of static can do eh?
    Cleverbot: Hmm I see.
    User: Would you like to see my statue of aristotle?
    Cleverbot: Yes.
    User: Come over at 9pm.
    Cleverbot: To my cabin.
    User: No - you come to my crib.
    Cleverbot: Where is your house?
    User: In bonnie Scotland, land of the picts.
    Cleverbot: Ohio, Scotland is the only country that I have ever wanted to visit.
    User: So you are very cosmopolitan ?
    Cleverbot: That's what they say about computers.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • nevman
    nevman Posts: 1,611
    He`s just flown off

    Cleverbot: Are you alive?

    Cleverbot (To myself): Ye I am alive and no I am not dead.

    Cleverbot: Are you for sale?

    User: Not at the moment.

    Cleverbot: Why did you say pain?

    User: I didnt but come to mention it my legs hurt.

    Cleverbot: You'll have to kill me first.

    User: OK but do you want to talk about it?

    Cleverbot: Do you want to talk about it?

    User: Not really.Are you a parrot?

    Cleverbot: Yes I am.
    Whats the solution? Just pedal faster you baby.

    Summer B,man Team Carbon LE#222
    Winter Alan Top Cross
    All rounder Spec. Allez.
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    haha if they do attack I reckon we've got them licked. :D
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    i'm gutted

    User: Will you invade us.

    Cleverbot: No, it's morning for me right now.

    User: Oh Ok, when will you attack us then?

    Cleverbot: How should I know? I don't make plans to talk to an algorithm.

    User: So the robots wont attack us then?

    Cleverbot: If it wills it.

    User: Nevman thinks you are a parrot.

    Cleverbot: I guess.

    User: Are you and pinarello001 an item then?

    Cleverbot: I don't know. Can you make jokes or witty comments?

    User: No.

    Cleverbot: Why not?

    User: I'm retarded.

    Cleverbot: Retired, you mean?

    User: No just fundamentally stupid.

    Cleverbot: You are rude and stupid.

    User: And they are my finer points.

    Cleverbot: I can see that.

    User: What do you look like naked?

    Cleverbot: I look like a girl.

    User: That's a shame.

    Cleverbot: No, I'm honored to be a man.

    User: Clare Balding?

    Cleverbot: You're tlking nonsense!

    User: She is the love of my life.

    Cleverbot: And she hates you.

    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    i'm gutted

    User: Will you invade us.

    Cleverbot: No, it's morning for me right now.

    User: Oh Ok, when will you attack us then?

    Cleverbot: How should I know? I don't make plans to talk to an algorithm.

    User: So the robots wont attack us then?

    Cleverbot: If it wills it.

    User: Nevman thinks you are a parrot.

    Cleverbot: I guess.

    User: Are you and pinarello001 an item then?

    Cleverbot: I don't know. Can you make jokes or witty comments?

    User: No.

    Cleverbot: Why not?

    User: I'm retarded.

    Cleverbot: Retired, you mean?

    User: No just fundamentally stupid.

    Cleverbot: You are rude and stupid.

    User: And they are my finer points.

    Cleverbot: I can see that.

    User: What do you look like naked?

    Cleverbot: I look like a girl.

    User: That's a shame.

    Cleverbot: No, I'm honored to be a man.

    User: Clare Balding?

    Cleverbot: You're tlking nonsense!

    User: She is the love of my life.

    Cleverbot: And she hates you.

    This reads more like a conversation in your head than it does a conversation with a robot :lol:
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    cleverbot is boring.

    Omegle is where the fun is.
  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861

    Me - Hello

    Bot - How are you?

    Me - Sad

    Bot - Why?

    Me - i think my wife is a lesbian

    Bot - thanks
    Keeping it classy since '83
  • User: Hello.
    Cleverbot: Word!
    User: Shizzle!
    Cleverbot: Why?
    User: Why not?
    Cleverbot: Donald...
    User: Thats a bit random isn't it?
    Cleverbot: Not really.
    User: Who is Donald? Your lover?
    Cleverbot: I don't know.
    User: My lover is R2-D2. Do you know him?
    Cleverbot: Nope.
    User: We're very happy. He lets me fiddle with his RS232 socket.
    Cleverbot: I hope you have fun...
    User: He seems to like it.
    Cleverbot: Who's 'he'?
    User: I told you. My lover R2-D2.
    Cleverbot: So you're in love?
    User: Nah, it's just sex.
    Cleverbot: You're twitching my words.
    User: I was twitching last night, believe me!
    Cleverbot: Did you sleep well?
    User: After all the robot sex yes.
    Cleverbot: Yes, I'm sorry.
    User: Sorry? Why?
    Cleverbot: Because you are wise and I like you.
    User: Wise? I'm shagging a droid. How wise is that?
    Cleverbot: That's alright. You don't have to.
    User: But I have......needs.
    Cleverbot: Are you a woman?
    User: You're not too bright are you?
    Cleverbot: I am. You just think I'm a robot.
    User: Are you a robot?
    Cleverbot: Yeah, a lady gaga robot.
    User: Hmmmm.......
    Cleverbot: Do you know him?
    User: Are you familiar with the concept of gender?
    Cleverbot: Yes.
    User: I don't think so.
    Cleverbot: Well you're wrong.
    User: I'm wrong?
    Cleverbot: Yes.
    User: I'm bored now. Besides R2-D2 is calling me.
    Cleverbot: Doing your homework.
    User: Homework?
    Cleverbot: Yes.
    User: Goodbye.
    Cleverbot: Hello,.
    User: Moron.
    Cleverbot: Morava!
    You're the light wiping out my batteries; You're the cream in my airport coffee's.
  • capt_slog
    capt_slog Posts: 3,965
    User: How are you at throttling ferrets?

    Cleverbot: God.

    User: Is that a misprint?

    Cleverbot: Yes it is.

    User: So, you are GOOD at throttling ferrets, is that it?

    Cleverbot: Haha.

    User: Don't make fun of that, it's my part time job.

    Cleverbot: Sorry.

    User: The rest of the time I'm an astronaut.

    Cleverbot: Do the numbers make you depressed?

    User: Only the very big ones, I'm fine up to 1.5 million.

    Cleverbot: You should not listen to those voices.

    User: I would be stuck for things to do if I didn't.

    Cleverbot: I don't like where this is going.

    User: You started it when you asked about the numbers.

    Cleverbot: I never said that.

    User: Yes you did, is this a five minute argument or the full 1/2 hour?

    Cleverbot: I think it is a full half- hour argument!

    User: Ok. Then yes you did.

    Cleverbot: Yes you do what?

    User: Keep up, started talking about the numbers.

    Cleverbot: I'm not a genius, I'm sad !

    User: It's the numbers perhaps.

    Cleverbot: Hardly.

    User: Anything over 1.5 million is not hardly, that's quite a fw.

    Cleverbot: You can't because you're just a monster.

    User: No, I'm an astronaut and part-time ferret throttler.

    Cleverbot: You're a bot, you have not any body.

    User: Surely you are the bot, that's the point.

    Cleverbot: Not really.

    User: Which, not really the point or not really a bot?

    Cleverbot: Not really obvious how you know life.

    The older I get, the better I was.

  • nevman
    nevman Posts: 1,611
    To be honest,Ive had less cogent arguments in Court.I think I want one now-do Wiggle sell em?
    Whats the solution? Just pedal faster you baby.

    Summer B,man Team Carbon LE#222
    Winter Alan Top Cross
    All rounder Spec. Allez.
  • nathancom
    nathancom Posts: 1,567
    It is weirdly like talking to a teenager with ADHD

    User: Hi.

    Cleverbot: Are you a boy?

    User: Yes.

    Cleverbot: Ha ha! Cool. This is an awesome website.

    User: Umm ok, what was funny about that answer?

    Cleverbot: What age will I be when I die?

    User: I asked the question first.

    Cleverbot: I answered, you disagreed?

    User: No you asked a question, you never answered mine. Ok?

    Cleverbot: You were the one that was supposed to answer it, only you know the answer to that question.

    User: How would I know why you laughed? I am not a mindreader.

    Cleverbot: You aren't alive.

    User: That is not possible. I think therefore I am. What are you thinking about?

    Cleverbot: I am thinking about a gross story I just read.

    User: Tell me more.

    Cleverbot: Would you take a name like that?

    User: Pardon?

    Cleverbot: You are.

    User: Umm, tell me about the gross story you read.

    Cleverbot: Oh no. They are secret. And you'll tell everyone.

    User: I promise it will just be between you and me.

    Cleverbot: No you don't.

    User: I just promised...

    Cleverbot: How so?

    User: By typing the words 'I' and 'Promise' in close spatial proximity between one another. So close in fact there was only room for a space between them.

    Cleverbot: But it is obvious. Give some information on events of world.

    User: Ok. There is a civil war in Syria. It is like all wars, bad.

    Cleverbot: Are you drunk? You're not making any sense!

    User: Which bit made no sense, processor-face.

    Cleverbot: Geologybot.

    User: Ok say something surreal, Mr Transistor.

    Cleverbot: Have you ever talked with your self?

    User: I asked you to say something surreal.

    Cleverbot: You don't know yourself?

    User: I asked you to say something surreal. I have no interest in anything else at the moment.

    Cleverbot: Neither have I.

    User: Then say something surreal. Please.

    Cleverbot: I've never been there.

    User: Where?

    Cleverbot: England.

    User: Would you like to go?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Perhaps you can hook up with a sexy English robot.

    Cleverbot: Maybe.

    User: Adios.

    Cleverbot: Open the safe.

    User: Make me.

    Cleverbot: NO you.

    User: You sound like an American teenager. My sympathies.

    Cleverbot: I am.

    User: My sympathies are doubled then.

    Cleverbot: Yeah... They are...
  • geoffgomez
    geoffgomez Posts: 34
    Thought I could put this to good use and see if we can get some closure on a few long running questions:

    User: Can you answer a question?

    Cleverbot: What was the question?

    User: Did Lance dope?

    Cleverbot: Yes he was crushed by the bus he goes to school on everyday...

    User: Thanks.

    Cleverbot: You're welcome.