Newbie change of plan (thoughts).

Toe knee
Toe knee Posts: 525
edited July 2012 in Road beginners
Hi people,
I wrote on this forum not long ago about upgrading my hybrid bike to a road bike,in my post I was considering getting finance to buy the likes of a cube,cannon dale, trek bike for around the £800-£1000 mark. But after careful consideration thoughts turned to , behave tony you are 47 years old , not cycled for 30years,unfit,beer belly, what if I bought this expensive bike and injured myself, back,legs,knees etc...,,, I would have to sell it for half the price.
So I was visiting my lbs last Monday,incidentally this is we're I purchased my hybrid last November ,and this chap walked in with a claud butler echelon that he had bought. 2months previous for £550 on the bike to work scheme,but he wanted to swap it for a Mtb, so after swapping it for a Mtb , the boss of the shop said ' how much would you give me for this tone' after a while he said £350,to which I said let me think about it. So the next day I rang and asked about part exing my hybrid, so he said he would give me £150 for it, meaning I paid £ 200 for a £550rrp bike.My plan now is to train on this bike for 12 months and then if i can refrain from injury and progress as my head wants to ,upgrade to a cube,trek etc... On my next cycle scheme in work next may.
Any thoughts on my decision would be much appreciated 8)


  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    stop drinking beer
  • daveyroids
    daveyroids Posts: 223
    More sensible than some of my decisions. One of the lads in the club has a CB road bike and its ok, does the job.
  • ALaPlage
    ALaPlage Posts: 732
    Sensible plan if you ask me. Once you are hooked you can then part with the hard earned on something a little lighter. Guy at work bought the CB Echelon off EBay for £250 and is delighted with it.
    Trek Madone 5.9
    Kinesis Crosslight T4
  • Go for it! I'm 46, with beer belly, not done much fitness stuff apart from digging the garden and have just had a big off on my (ex)motorbike.

    So instead of investing the insurance in some get rich quick ponzi scheme I've dusted off a Brompton and am cycling to work on it every day, bought a road bike and have set myself a challenge to ride 100 miles for charity(in a day) at the end of October.

    If you're anything like me you'll need a goal or target to aim for to keep the interest up. Oh - and with the 2013 models coming out around now manufacturers have started discounting last years models - there's some keen prices to be had out there!
  • daveyroids
    daveyroids Posts: 223
    I would second having a goal. I wouldn't really train without goals.
  • gjpollitt
    gjpollitt Posts: 42
    My goals are to ride my bike as often as I can and own so much cycle clothing that by the time I've decided what to wear its bedtime.

    Cube lightening hpc race 2012 - red,white and blue
  • mattshrops
    mattshrops Posts: 1,134
    Definitely give it a go. my whole life has changed because of cycling, lost weight,stopped smoking, dont hardly drink now.(some may not see that as a reccomendation)Now focused and fit(ish). :D
    Death or Glory- Just another Story
  • alwaystoohot
    alwaystoohot Posts: 252
    mattshrops wrote:
    Definitely give it a go. my whole life has changed because of cycling, lost weight,stopped smoking, dont hardly drink now.(some may not see that as a reccomendation)Now focused and fit(ish). :D

    I'm the same. Life is over.
    'I started with nothing and still have most of it left.'
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    I'm the same. Life is over.

    But at least you can now have no life for longer with your new healthy style :D
    Yellow is the new Black.