Longest solo ride



  • cje
    cje Posts: 148
    My longest solo ride was 70 miles. I ate a banana, two Trek energy bars and the occasional handful of jelly sweets. I also had 750ml of water and 750ml electrolyte (it was a mild day).
  • CRAIGO5000
    CRAIGO5000 Posts: 697
    I think a lot is down to effort too! I could probably ride a set 50 mile course at 20% effort on 1 banana and a bottle but gunning that course at 100% effort, id probably need 2 bottles and a few gels to sustain the 100% I'm putting in.

    It's all completely varied and only you know your own body. That's why being prepped is important. You can cut down on carrying the extras for the next ride.

    Real bonking is crappy. Once you've been there you won't go back - it isn't just a case of feeling tired. I was physically shaking and was mentally done in. You'll never put yourself in that situation again.
    Ribble Stealth/SRAM Force
    2007 Specialized Allez (Double) FCN - 3
  • daveyroids
    daveyroids Posts: 223
    You're right. I'm thinking of a long ride being in well within the aerobic zone where the body starts to use fat as its primary fuel. However at a high intensity then sugars remain a high priority for the body so need to be taken in on a regular basis and lots of them.
  • dazzlers82
    dazzlers82 Posts: 50
    Done my first long(to me) ride today solo as well 38 miles felt tired on the way out full off energy in the middle then tired on the way back so quite pleased
    Scott speedster 20 compact 2013
    Claud butler san remo 2012