Majorca Training Camps

nunowoolmez Posts: 867
Hi folks

Planning to spend a week or 2 in Majorca next spring to get some solid miles in before the season kicks in. I have had a look at various sites on the web, some seem to be crazy expensive, but others quite reasonable. Looked at La Fuga & GPM10, they look great but very expensive. The others I looked at are Wheels In Wheels, Andy Cook Cycling, & Majorca Training Camp. All look quite good & much cheaper.

I did search on here for similar but got nothing, except Max Herzeuler, but I think that is aimed more at German & Swiss language speakers. Does anyone have any experience of any of the above or any others? Any feedback or advice would be much appreciated.




  • giropaul
    giropaul Posts: 414
    There are loads of camps, but I'd recommend that you research what each does and how that fits with what you want.

    At one level most camps will provide a bed, meals and a selection of groups to go out with (usually on set routes with a group leader in case you get lost).

    By paying more you are likely to get more structured traing, advice about your riding, a mechanic's services, a following car etc etc. Some camps will have evening seminars etc.

    At the top end you will be in smaller, objective specific groups with a high coach/rider ratio.

    I'd certainly look at Andy Cook, Dave LeGrys and others. Some clubs run their own, but are happy to have "guests" to spread the costs.