How much training for Land's End John O'Groats

fatdaz Posts: 348
edited July 2012 in Road beginners
I am considering doing this next year, envisaging doing 80-100 miles a day and completing in 10-12 days.

I'm wondering about how much training to do as I obviously can't replicate 6-8 hours a day for a couple of weeks in training leading up to it, if anything I'll be busier at work before hand preparing for the time off. I have done rides of 80 plus miles for 2-3 days in the past is it a reasonable assumption that if I can do it for 3 days I can do it for 10 providing I stay fed and watered or is it not that simple?



  • styxd
    styxd Posts: 3,234
    Yeh, I think you'd be fine.

    Never done anything like this before, but its more about the intensity of the miles rather than the actual amount I think.

    For example, I might go and ride a very hard, hilly 40 mile ride and feel shattered the next day. Whereas I could do 80 odd easy going miles and feel fine the next day.
  • nochekmate
    nochekmate Posts: 3,460
    My 18 year old son & two schoolmates tackle LEJOG over 10 days starting on Wed next week. So far they have raised over £5k for their chosen charities. They have done a bit of training but the weather will be the key factor I think. I intend to join them on a couple of legs.

    Check out - Repton LEJOG
  • beancounter
    beancounter Posts: 369
    fatdaz wrote:
    Is it a reasonable assumption that if I can do it for 3 days I can do it for 10


    I did LEJOG (admittedly quite a few years ago!) in 9 days, so 100 miles a day.

    I trained pretty much as you are proposing to do and my god did I suffer. It's the day-after-day-without-a-break which gets you. This was right up to the last day or two, by which time I had actually ridden myself into it and felt like I could ride 100 miles a day for ever.

    Do more training, then do some more. Unless you like suffering...

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  • slowsider
    slowsider Posts: 197
    fatdaz wrote:
    Is it a reasonable assumption that if I can do it for 3 days I can do it for 10


    I did LEJOG (admittedly quite a few years ago!) in 9 days, so 100 miles a day.

    I trained pretty much as you are proposing to do and my god did I suffer. It's the day-after-day-without-a-break which gets you. This was right up to the last day or two, by which time I had actually ridden myself into it and felt like I could ride 100 miles a day for ever.

    So, YES, then ;)
  • lastant
    lastant Posts: 526
    I think you'll be fine - you sound far more prepared than when I did mine and I managed!

    Full details in my signature...
    One Man and LEJOG : End-to-End on Two Wheels in Two Weeks (Buy the book; or Kindle it!)
  • Hoopdriver
    Hoopdriver Posts: 2,023
    Yes, you should be fine, especially if you can kerp your schedule flexible enough to factor in a rest day when/if you need it. You'll get fitter as you go.
  • fatdaz
    fatdaz Posts: 348
    Thanks for all the responses. I might have a crack at this - just need to pursuade a couple of my buddies to do it.