Sinking seatpost

cranaz Posts: 39
edited July 2012 in MTB workshop & tech
Hi, I have a KSi950, whilst I was out today I developed a problem.
I dropped post, then popped it back up, sat on seat and the whole post dropped to bottom. I then reset post only for this to happen again. I carried on with post at lowest until I stopped for a break. Once I set off again problem had resolved.
When I got back home I cleaned it up ( was very muddy) then checked it over and all seems well.
Any one any ideas? Was it because of mud?
Cheers in advance


  • Greer_
    Greer_ Posts: 1,716
    May be worth emailing superstar about it, but if its fixed I wouldn't worry.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    I had some peculiar issues with my Jplin, which may not be the same (I don't even know how the KIS is activated), but it's worth checking.
    After a crash, my saddle rails were bent out of shape somewhat, and that meant that when I went over a large enough bump, the saddle flex would actually push the Joplin trigger mechanism (under the saddle), causing it to descend.
    It might be a similar problem on yours, but maybe a stone or a lump of mud got caught in the mechanism somehow?
  • cranaz
    cranaz Posts: 39
    Yeah I'll prob email superstar, was just checking to see if anybody had experienced similar problems. Although it's fixed now I would like to understand why it happened for future referance.
    I suppose something could have been trapped like suggested mate but I did look over it and couldn't see anything apart from the fact the cable had lost tension and a good deal of mud on and around the shaft/seal.
    This is the first real test ride I've had with post so am still getting used to it, going out for the day on Sunday so don't really want it causing problems.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    One thing I'm slightly unclear about, when you say the whole post had slid down, do you mean the entire thing had slipped in the seatclamp, and sunk into the frame?
  • cranaz
    cranaz Posts: 39
    No sorry just my poor description.
    I meant the full travel of the post reduced from fully extended to zero. The actual body of the seatpost didn't move on the seatclamp.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    Ok, gotcha. I suspected that, just wanted to clear it up in case we were barking up the wrong tree.