First Sportive

bianchibob Posts: 306
edited July 2012 in The cake stop
Hi Everyone,
Feeling a bit nervous as this weekend I have entered the Winchester 100. I have decided to commit to the 100 kilometres as this is my first Sportive.
Not sure what to expect, I am a fairly new to road cycling, and due to time, and other commitments at weekend the furthest I have ridden around Hampshire country roads is about 45 miles at an average of 15 mph.

However due to holidays and bad weather at weekends I have not ridden for a month, any one got any advice, as i am not sure what to expect, what is the usual standard for a typical Sportive ride ?


  • nunowoolmez
    nunowoolmez Posts: 867
    Hi Bob

    There is no 'usual time' for a sportive but if you average 15mph you will be just fine. 60 miles is not that far & if you are comfy doing 45 miles you will manage 60 easy. Just take it steady & try not to get overly excited at the start by going crazy as you will suffer later on. Take two full bottles & whatever nutrition you find works for you & keep hydrated & your energy levels up. After this try taking on a bigger distance as this will be a greater test!
  • sadlybiggins
    sadlybiggins Posts: 158
    Don't worry about any "usual standard": there will probably be a wide range of riders from potterers in jeans through to shaved-leg racing snakes. Just concentrate on getting what you want to achieve out of the day. As nunowoolmez says, you should be fine: pace yourself and make sure you keep hydrated and have some food with you. Next stop 100m!
  • dw300
    dw300 Posts: 1,642
    Start near the front .. find your normal pace .. let groups pass you until the point at which they're passing slow enough to tag onto .. wheelsuck your way to the finish line.
    All the above is just advice .. you can do whatever the f*ck you wana do!
    Bike Radar Strava Club
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  • bianchibob
    bianchibob Posts: 306
    Thanks for all the replies, I suppose I was looking for reassurance and your replies have all been very positive and reinforced my thoughts on the event....thanks
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    Don't forget that the clock doesn't stop on the feed station, don't spend too long chatting, get your bottle filled, grab some tucker and get going - otherwise it will bring down your average speed. Saying that #1 priority, enjoy yourself. Good luck, you'll do it no problem!

    And don't forget to post back here next week to tell us how you got on!