Knee pain

Glasgowbhoy82 Posts: 30
edited July 2012 in Road beginners
Hi I had posted about being really keen at getting into cycling but at nearer 20st I've decided to wait till I've dropped 2 stone before I get on the road. So been doing a lot of cycling in the gym to get fitter but I find when I try and turn the resistance up on the bike the top of my knees hurt. My knees look as if the point outwards I don't know if this has came from years of lifting weights. Any idea's what the pain is guys and will it go away? Don't want to go and buy a decent bike If I can't tackle hills n stuff


  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,219
    Is the gym bike set up right? That's the first place I'd look.

    Spinning instructors have always told me to have my knee over my toe when the pedal's at a certain position (2 or 3 o clock I think). Leg should be almost but not totally straight when the pedal at 6 o clock.

    You should be able to find some guides with pictures using google.

    If you've hurt your knee, it might take a bit of taking it easy before you can expect to pedal hard without it hurting.

    If you're trying to lose weight, I guess you just need to burn calories which doesn't mean you have to pedal really hard - just keep going with enough resistance to make it a bit of an effort.
  • bagz3
    bagz3 Posts: 253
    If you are doing, don't press on the pedals so hard, lighter and faster.... Within reason ;-)
    getting the correct setup on an exercise bike in the gym isn't going to possible either.
    I'd get on the road straight away with a bike that fits you.....
  • Vegeeta
    Vegeeta Posts: 6,411
    Speak to a sports physiotherapist. I suffered knee pain 3 years or so ago, it was just after getting a new road bike so I put it down to position and tried literally every trick in the book. Eventually I went to a local sports physiotherapist and solved the problem in just one visit!
    For me it was a simple case that one of the 4 muscles in my quad had not developed fully and was letting my knee cap move outwards. Some exercises at home strengthened the muscle and weeks later I no longer had any pain.
    Rule 64:

    Cornering confidence generally increases with time and experience. This pattern continues until it falls sharply and suddenly.
  • I was thinking the bike in the gym is never going to be the correct size. I will try and adjust the seat and see if it helps I done 30km in a hour at average of 96rpm at level 8 but it when I try like level 15 it hurts. Soon as I got of the bike I'm fine there's a sports physio in the gym do might pay him a visit. Cheers guys
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Cranking up the resistance on a gym bike is not at all like riding a real bike - keep the resistance off and keep the cadence up. High resistance and incorrect position = recipe for disaster
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Just back from the gym done that and was a lot better was averaging 100 for most of it done a bit of a sprint the last minute and was like 130rpm. Just under 18 mile in the hour. Bike fit soon hopefully