Canyon 29er or Cube 29er or ????

pablo-zesty Posts: 11
edited July 2012 in MTB buying advice
Dear All,

I am about to take the plunge and buy a 29er hardtail.
I already ride a Lapierre Zesty for trail and generally having fun. However, I took part in Mountain Mayhew and the bug well and truly bit, so I decided I need a 29er for marathon races, such as the Bright Big Dog, MM, 24twelve, etc. I plan to do 4 per year and do some general long distance riding.

I have done research and narrowed it down to two bikes, I want to spend Max £1400 without making any major or expensive upgrades. I have narrowed down to Canyon and Cube as they both have good kit, good forks and are reasonably good weights.

Canyon Grand Al 29 7.9 or 8.9: ... tml?b=2750 ... tml?b=2545


Has anyone any experience of the above?
Or can some one suggest an alternative bike that would suit me?

Thank you for the help.
