Unintentionally Pulling Funny Faces Whilst Climbing

Secteur Posts: 1,971
edited July 2012 in The cake stop
No-other cyclists I pass seem to do this, but as soon as the road hits 3% gradient or more, I can't stop myself doing a Tommy Voeckler and constantly sticking my tongue out / rubbing it along the inside of my lower lip from side to side.

Anyone else?


  • nunowoolmez
    nunowoolmez Posts: 867
    This could lead into dangerous territory...if you get my drift?!
  • dw300
    dw300 Posts: 1,642
    Hell yeh .. i don't have a poker face on hills.
    All the above is just advice .. you can do whatever the f*ck you wana do!
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  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    Maybe it's just us then!

    Strangely, felt good today (800m climbing) and gurned far less than usual!
  • campagone
    campagone Posts: 270
    I've found myself doing this when the going gets tough, but I don't think it's anything to be ashamed of, just shows your trying really hard
  • madtam
    madtam Posts: 141
    On occasions I have realised that I have adopted a fixed mask of agony. Generally with wide open gaping mouth, lips pulled back exposing some teeth, and bulging eyes betraying the horror of the impending death from pure pain.

    Well something like that anyway.

    Actually, I have a picture somewhere that my wife took of myself and another cyclist approaching the top of a hill. I am in front and not a pretty sight but the guy behind is smiling at the camera. I did beat him over the course but I have a sneaking suspicion he enjoyed it more, and it certainly appears that way from the expressions.
  • MartinB2444
    MartinB2444 Posts: 266
    Things get worse when I haven't got the energy to wipe away the snot :oops:
  • ethanhayes
    ethanhayes Posts: 112
    edited April 2013
    I don't do much of a face, maybe a bit of a dropped jaw and scrunched up nose - but I do vocally complain to my self.
    Highly amusing.
  • robklancs
    robklancs Posts: 498
    I don't turn but I do make a strange noise when I'm really working. I purse my lips together and blow out to make a prrrrrrrrrr sound, thing is, I know I'm going to do it, try to stop myself from doing it but can't help but unleashing it.