First Ride

iamthenewno2 Posts: 3
edited July 2012 in Road beginners
Just logged in to the Forum for the first time to say thanks to all those who post here, I today, after a long break from any form of exercise, went out on my new Trek 1.2. I found the forums invaluable for information on the kit needed, peoples' training and also just generally making it all sound fun.

Anyway I have some weight to lose, not sure how much but I caught myself side on in a mirror and didn't like it, so got the bike and set out today for a 15 mile round trip. First thing I noticed was hills, don't mind the down but whose idea was the up, they are all over and hard work for me at the moment and the second is the awful state of the roads, you just don't notice these things inside the car.

Need to get some proper clothing, maybe not Lycra straight away but maybe just more close fitting, I managed to tear my shorts (baggy combat ones) climbing off the saddle half way round which must have been nice site for the traffic going past.

Anyway home now, my legs are stiff, my backside hurts but still planning to go out again for a spin with the kids tomorrow.


  • Get some lycra. It's a lot more practical than baggy shorts and less wasteful than buying clothing that you're going to want to ditch in 2 months. You wouldn't go diving without a wetsuit (not in the UK, anyway) so why not buy clothing that's specifically designed for what you are doing? You'll enjoy your cycling all the more. Well done with the ride, by the way.
  • macleod113
    macleod113 Posts: 560
    Don't forget you can wear lycra (for support and comfort) and wear baggies over the top?
    Cube Cross 2016
    Willier GTR 2014
  • Luckily when the backside of my baggies ripped I was wearing Lycra (running shorts) underneath. I will wear Lycra but will hold off for a bit until my body gets into a shape I am more happy with and when I pick up a bit of fitness, not sure the portly, red faced, knackered and pushing the bike up a hill I failed to climb look works!

    The weird thing was that though by the end of the ride I could hardly raise my bum off the saddle due to my legs hurting the next day I felt great, still hurt but it felt so good to be getting exercise. I now remember why as a teen I used to be surgically attached to my racer.

    Only negative is the utter paranoia over locking it to anything, I know it will, most likely, be there when I get back but still scary!
  • finlayson99
    finlayson99 Posts: 213
    It's great fun this roadie lark. Well done for getting back in the saddle.

    Go for the lycra, you won'd regret it, it really does help.

    SC Heckler
    Chopper Mk2
    Merlin Malt-CR
    Revolution Courier 2
  • tom340
    tom340 Posts: 2
    I have only been riding just over 5 weeks riding only 5 miles each way to work on new hybrid bike last week did a charity ride of 20miles on the Sunday av speed around 11.6 mph and this week went out on the roads and did 30miles av speed 14.3mph would say I,m a large chap of 17.9 stone and I went for the lycra padded shorts and tops they are black and day-glo green so people just see the colour not the size of the chap in them. Really got the bug but want a road bike now for the weekend long rides but don't now what to get have around £500.
  • BlakeysFC
    BlakeysFC Posts: 233
    Just logged in to the Forum for the first time to say thanks to all those who post here, I today, after a long break from any form of exercise, went out on my new Trek 1.2. I found the forums invaluable for information on the kit needed, peoples' training and also just generally making it all sound fun.

    Anyway I have some weight to lose, not sure how much but I caught myself side on in a mirror and didn't like it, so got the bike and set out today for a 15 mile round trip. First thing I noticed was hills, don't mind the down but whose idea was the up, they are all over and hard work for me at the moment and the second is the awful state of the roads, you just don't notice these things inside the car.

    Need to get some proper clothing, maybe not Lycra straight away but maybe just more close fitting, I managed to tear my shorts (baggy combat ones) climbing off the saddle half way round which must have been nice site for the traffic going past.

    Anyway home now, my legs are stiff, my backside hurts but still planning to go out again for a spin with the kids tomorrow.

    So it was your first ride on a bike for quite some time?

    I've not ridden a bike for at least 4 years and was hoping to do 8 miles right off the bat on Sunday, not a tough ride and not overly hilly but still 8 miles...any one know if this will be achievable or if I should start of smaller (3, 5 mile stint first perhaps?) ?
  • and the second is the awful state of the roads, you just don't notice these things inside the car.

    So very true. You'll also notice the slight inclines in either direction which are un-noticable in a car.

    Every ride, report a pothole and you'll make your rides much easier for yourself and others.

    My local council is quite good - they must have an alert set up for emails from fixmystreet/myname as they fix stuff in about two weeks all the time.