First Big Off

NathanM101 Posts: 7
edited July 2012 in Road beginners
First of all hello guys!

Just need to let off some steam regarding coming off the bike this afternoon so apologies.

Coming down the A3 cycle path just before Burpham, got my front wheel entangled and went over the bars. Great big laceration on my left arm by the elbow and handlebars bent. Go to Guildford A&E, who were fantastic by the way, where I had the wound thoroughly cleaned under local anesthetic and various bits of A3 and skin removed.

Anesthetic now wearing off, and my god the pain!

Just want to know if anyone has had anything similar and how long I should leave it before getting back on the bike.

Cheers in advance and apologies for speelings, can only use right hand :( .


  • benhben
    benhben Posts: 71
    I had an accident three weeks ago where a taxi drove straight accross a cycle land which resulted in me going clean over the handlebars and hitting the side of the car. £2000 Moda Stretto being carbon was written off as unsafe.

    Ended up with a damaged right elbow and shoulder, cracked rib and damaged left wrist. Ribs feel pretty good now, but the left wrist injury is still keeping me off the bike.
  • Wow that is a big off!

    Fortunately I'm only on a Jamis Ventura so only cheapish ally handlebars to replace. Will take a proper look at it tomorrow though.

    Out of curiosity have you been successful taking action against the cabbie?

    Is an odd sensation though watching the doctor hack away at my elbow with a scrubbing brush then scissors and not feeling anything, till now.

    Have been give antibiotics for a week as well so no booze either. Feeling a bit sorry for myself haha.
  • Calpol
    Calpol Posts: 1,039
    NathanM101 wrote:
    Wow that is a big off!

    Fortunately I'm only on a Jamis Ventura so only cheapish ally handlebars to replace. Will take a proper look at it tomorrow though.

    Out of curiosity have you been successful taking action against the cabbie?

    Is an odd sensation though watching the doctor hack away at my elbow with a scrubbing brush then scissors and not feeling anything, till now.

    Have been give antibiotics for a week as well so no booze either. Feeling a bit sorry for myself haha.
    If you got away with no breaks then count yourself lucky. recovery should be swift. I broke my arm on Sunday hence the reason why Citylink have just delivered a Turbo trainer!!
  • benhben
    benhben Posts: 71
    NathanM101 wrote:
    Wow that is a big off!
    Out of curiosity have you been successful taking action against the cabbie?

    Yes, I dont really like the claim culture around now, but as my 2k bike was written off I had to. I had confirmation a week ago, that his insurance have admitted liability and will be reviewing what they think my bike was work soon.

    Also, he didnt help himself by acting like a complete nobend. Didnt ask how I was, go out tried to blame me, tried to put me off claiming by saying hell counter claim for any damage to the car. If he was more compassionate and held his hands up and apoligised I would only have claimed the bike. Now he can pay for my broken ribs and liagment damage. Hope they screw him for all hes woth.

    I had an excellent witnss who gave a statement and was only 10 yards from the incident and stated the driver was 100% at fault
  • rozzer32
    rozzer32 Posts: 3,920
    benhben wrote:
    NathanM101 wrote:
    Wow that is a big off!
    Out of curiosity have you been successful taking action against the cabbie?

    Yes, I dont really like the claim culture around now, but as my 2k bike was written off I had to. I had confirmation a week ago, that his insurance have admitted liability and will be reviewing what they think my bike was work soon.

    Also, he didnt help himself by acting like a complete nobend. Didnt ask how I was, go out tried to blame me, tried to put me off claiming by saying hell counter claim for any damage to the car. If he was more compassionate and held his hands up and apoligised I would only have claimed the bike. Now he can pay for my broken ribs and liagment damage. Hope they screw him for all hes woth.

    I had an excellent witnss who gave a statement and was only 10 yards from the incident and stated the driver was 100% at fault

    I had a similar issue with a female car driver who failed to indicate and turned right across me. Again she was less than sympathetic when I sent her the total cost of the damage and she started playing games and making up bull $hit stories that it was my fault. Due to my British Cycling membership I had legal cover and she wasn't happy when I got solicitors involved. Needless to say I won and got the money for damage to my bike and myself.
    ***** Pro Tour Pundit Champion 2020, 2018, 2017 & 2011 *****