Shim RS30's vs PX AL30

ddraver Posts: 26,810
edited July 2012 in Road buying advice
Hi Boys

Remember this? Another one went today which threw the wheel so far out of true it would nt got through the brake pads with them fully out.

I think they re destined for the great bike path in the sky so I'm looking at these two for replacements.

-Planet X AL30 - 150 Squids
-Shimano RS30's - 200 odd euros but commonly discounted online.

They ll be used for club runs and commutes (on dutch bike paths so decent quality). However I'm a big boy so they need to be strong.

Any Experiences with either?

We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
- @ddraver


  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,810
    Or what about the MAvic Cosmic Equipes/Elites - I think they re too much unless they re really really something!
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Chris James
    Chris James Posts: 1,040
    I've not used the AL30. they seemed to get mixed reviews on here. Plenty of people having to swap the bearings out, but they then seem happy with them.

    The Planet X wheels are lighter, presumably through having an alloy freehub, (and perhaps less chunky quick releases?).

    I have a pair of RS30s I bought for around £130. I've had them for a couple of years, using them on turbo over winter and summer training wheels. I've not had any problems and they seem to hold speed nicely when up to speed. I weigh around 12 stone. The roads around here are shocking (Barnsley wait for the roads to completely disintegrate before resurfacing them fully and Kirklees adopt the pothole and patch method). They feel pretty comfy, reasonavbly stiff and aero to me. the only downside is the weight, although I suspect the rim weight of the AL30s and RS30s would be the same and it is rim weight that is most important (if weight is really that important at all - cue can of worms opening).

    After all that waffle, I lke my RS30s. I like Shimano build quality, the skewer action, steel freehub, cup and cones hubs etc but they are probably heavier than PlanetX.
  • Bellypopper
    Bellypopper Posts: 140
    I have RS30's on my Ridley. I'm a wisker under 17 stone, and not had any issues in the 500 miles I have put on mine

  • styxd
    styxd Posts: 3,234
    Had some model b's (the old name for the AL30's as far as I know)

    Ok wheels, pretty flexy though and I weigh 11 stone.

    Might be better off on some hand builts?
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    i was looking at specs the other day and RS20's are lighter that RS30's? does this seem right!? - a site for sore eyes
  • Chris James
    Chris James Posts: 1,040
    Yes, that sounds right as the RS30s have a deeper, presumably heavier, rim.

    They would be a bit more aero though. And possibly stronger as they have the same numbe rof spokes.