
NITR8s Posts: 688
edited July 2012 in Road beginners


  • BruceG
    BruceG Posts: 347
    Do we really need to know this, have you no shame? Go speak to your doctor FFS
  • I would say check your saddle position ASAP (maybe tip it down a bit??) and if that doesn't sort it PDQ see your GP for advice as I have found the exact opposite - cycling makes me horny :D Since I started I am much friskier than before. This despite occasionaly getting a bit of discomfort in the perinium after a longer or harder ride (looking into a new saddle as we speak just waiting to hear if I can get a test of an SQ Lab).
  • Ehh .... why delete :shock: this type of problem is possible in cycling with a dodgy set-up or position. Surely the whole point of this section of the forum is to share this kind of question/problem and then everyone can read any suggested solutions/advice - this is what helps beginners ?
  • NITR8s
    NITR8s Posts: 688
    It would appear from the initial response I got, that people are not willing to discuss this subject. Thank you however for your response. The weird thing is, is that I am actually comfy in the saddle and get slight numbness after a couple of hours but nothing that causes much discomfort. I do have a cheap saddle and a cheap pair of cycling shorts though.
  • jonomc4
    jonomc4 Posts: 891
    I say don't be worried about erectile dysfunction - and I am sure it being so small is not the reason! Try a different saddle if that will ease your fear - I use a SMP Selle Stratos - I wish you all the best and thanks for sharing - and remember we here care and are there for you.
  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731
    (1) Saddle and/or position
    If you get any numbness then you need to look at your saddle and/or position.

    (2) Tiredness
    This might sound obvious, but if you were working 14 hr shifts regularly I would suspect that the result would be similar. Think the key is to have easy rides as well as hard, so that when you return after some rides you are not completely written off.