Feel Unsteady On Carbon Road Bike

fatdaz Posts: 348
edited July 2012 in Road beginners
Hi all

I'm a poor but enthusiastic cyclist and until 14 months ago my cycling history was all long, slow rides (50 - 100 miles a day at 10 - 12mph average) on an old Dawes steel hybrid bike - which I still think is brilliant. This changed when I started doing triathlons and decided to get a proper road bike for training and racing. I eventually took the plunge and bought a Planet-X pro carbon SL with SRAM rival. I'm very happy with the weight, speed and comfort of it but even after ~1600 miles I still don't feel safe on it - it feels too "flighty" at the the front end and I've come off it a couple of times which hasn't helped my confidence. I have read many different comments about how the PX pro carbon is not the most stable platform and it's started to get in my head that there might be something in it to the point where I've started riding the old hybrid for everything other than actual triathlons because I feel so much more stable on it (why wouldn't I - it weighs a ton and has 28mm tyres). I'm heavy (15 - 15 and a half stone) and I'm not a hugely confident rider so logic tells me it's more about me and my confidence than the bike. I have seen many posts from PX owners saying there is absolutely no issue with the Pro Carbon but these seem to come from much more able riders than me. Is there anything in the stories about PX when applied to a less able rider or is the right answer for me to just man it up and grow a pair?



  • unixnerd
    unixnerd Posts: 2,864
    Are you sure it's the right size for you? Maybe you just need a bike fitting. It will seem less stable than a big heavy steel thing but unless you have a bad riding position you should adapt fairly quickly.
    http://www.strathspey.co.uk - Quality Binoculars at a Sensible Price.
    Specialized Roubaix SL3 Expert 2012, Cannondale CAAD5,
    Marin Mount Vision (1997), Edinburgh Country tourer, 3 cats!
  • styxd
    styxd Posts: 3,234
    A longer, lower stem may help the front feel a little less "flighty"
  • fatdaz
    fatdaz Posts: 348
    unixnerd wrote:
    Are you sure it's the right size for you? Maybe you just need a bike fitting. It will seem less stable than a big heavy steel thing but unless you have a bad riding position you should adapt fairly quickly.

    And I can just go into a local bike shop for that?
  • unixnerd
    unixnerd Posts: 2,864
    Some bike shops offer a fitting service and some don't. Some do it by eye and others charge you a small fortune and user fancy equipment and video cameras! All you need is some basic advice and a half hour or less spent adjusting the bike to fit you properly. I'd call round a few local bike shops and see what they say, you want one that specialises in road bikes rather than mountain bikes.

    If in doubt get someone to take your pic side on from the bike and post it here.
    http://www.strathspey.co.uk - Quality Binoculars at a Sensible Price.
    Specialized Roubaix SL3 Expert 2012, Cannondale CAAD5,
    Marin Mount Vision (1997), Edinburgh Country tourer, 3 cats!
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Are you using tri-bars on the bike? If so, they will certainly contribute to 'twitchiness' of handling - most TT/tri bikes have slightly different geometry to 'slow down' the steering.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • declan1
    declan1 Posts: 2,470
    When I ride my friend's Cube Aerial I feel like I'm going to fall off as it's really responsive. You probably just need to get used to it.

    Road - Dolan Preffisio
    MTB - On-One Inbred

    I have no idea what's going on here.
  • Amoger
    Amoger Posts: 46
    After 1,600 miles, I'd say think about some changes, possibly even the bike itself. I felt the same on my MTB & it obliged by throwing me off a couple of times. (Always when just starting to give it some juice; ie with light bikes, as you crank up the pressure you simultaneously pull up at the front, wheel comes off ground, tiny turn as you put it back down & you're off.)
  • fatdaz
    fatdaz Posts: 348
    Thanks for all the advice, I'll try calling round a few local bike shops about a fitting.

    Monty - don't use tri bars as I'm too frightened too (played rugby for 30 years without ever being nervous and now I'm terrified of a bike !!!!!)
  • gsvbagpuss
    gsvbagpuss Posts: 272
    Sorry for coming late to this, but as someone who has relatively recently transitioned from hybrid to carbon road bike - I find my road bike sticks much better to the ground and I have more confidence on it as it corners and accelerates better. It took me a few rides to get used to drops versus bull bars but you're past that now so maybe something in the fit could help.

    We've all fallen off a few times; don't worry about that!
  • I don't think it's for you, you should sell it to me very cheaply :lol:

    As others have said, I think a bike fit might be a good idea.

    I picked up an old school Raleigh last year to use as a winter bike. The front end was a lot lower than my 'relaxed' Giant SCR and the stem was tiny. I almost came to grief on a number of rides as it felt so twitchy at the front end and the 'steering' was so quick and instant.

    After a purchase of a longer stem everything became a lot more relaxed.
    Wind. Cold. Rain. Pick two.
  • fatdaz
    fatdaz Posts: 348
    Quick update - have been out and test ridden a number of different bikes and found I'm a lot happier with a properly sized bike but also it seems with a more relaxed geometry. The 2 standouts for me were the Specialized Roubaix and the Bianchi Infinito with the Madone 4.7 a little way behind those 2. Decision made - I am going to be the proud owner of an Infinito.

    Interestingly (to me anyway) I found I got much lower on all 3 of these bikes than I do on my Planet X even though the Planet X naturally forces me into a more "racing" shape. I guess I was happier and more comfortable on the others and I'm not a confident or aggressive enough rider for the small frame, ar*e in the air approach. That said I did my best ever 20K bike segment at a sprint triathlon on the Planet X last week so I might keep both (looks around to see if wife is looking).
  • BobScarle
    BobScarle Posts: 282
    I have been a very proud owner of an Infinito for the past 18 months. You will love it!