Any legal eagles here?

TheEnglishman Posts: 587
edited July 2012 in The cake stop
The solicitor's just written to me about my accident. The good news is the other side's admitted liability :D
The 'bad' news is I have to choose the experts to examine me and give their expert opinion. Only now I have a number of consultant CV's in front of me where my expertise is in Broadcast IT.

I'll be asking the solicitor if there are the only options, but does anyone have advice or tips on how best to select a medical expert?


  • pdstsp
    pdstsp Posts: 1,264
    If your solicitor is any good he will guide you.
  • greg66_tri_v2.0
    greg66_tri_v2.0 Posts: 7,172
    Ring them and ask each one how many times (a) they have seen an injury exactly like your injury; (b) how many times they have prepared an expert report for court; (c) how many times they have given evidence in court; (d) whether and if so how many times their evidence has not been preferred by the judge (because their opposite number has been preferred); (e) how much real doctoring they do in between being a professional,expert witness.
    Swim. Bike. Run. Yeah. That's what I used to do.

    Bike 1
    Bike 2-A
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    Do you have a solicitor or is this the other parties solicitor who has contacted you? If you don't and this list has been provided by the third party, unfortunately they tend to have their own preferred "experts" who they will routinely use. If you have your own solicitor's ask them for a referral and ask about their abilities and experience. Some are good and some are absolutely useless and shouldn't be paid in washers. Many years ago I was knocked off a motorcycle by a car pulling out in front of me. I sustained a back injury and was sent to an injury "expert" in Nottingham. He had the bedside manner of an Albanian gun runner and had made his mind up before he even saw me from the pathetic questionnaire they ask you to complete pre-consultation. I'm still plagued by the injuries all these years afterwards but as he said, it's only deep bruising and will settle down shortly. I think they see so many DHSS shirkers and spoof claimants during their day that they tar anyone who comes before them with the same brush.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • dylanfernley
    dylanfernley Posts: 409
    of course people on benefits are all shirkers---- ask the Queen..........
  • Ha how prophetic! Many of my issues are because they initially said it was just a bruise and 5 weeksatwr it turned out to be a fractured tibia!

    And it's my solicitor so my rules I guess? Anyway I asked here as forewarned is forearmed (pardon the pun as the other half of my problems are arm/hand related)