Stage 11

Leadballoon Posts: 31
edited July 2012 in Pro race
Not sure if this really belongs in this category, apologies if not.

A group of us are intending to ride from St Jean de Maurienne to La Toussuire for the stage finish on the 12th, does anyone know (or point me in the direction of somewhere to find out) what time the road will be closed to cyclists.



  • Can be a bit tricky determining this - it does vary depending on the stage - type of finish - general feeling of the Gendarmes..

    Check the times of the caravanne first - you will be told non at - 30mins at the latest. However after the caravanne has gone through it is possible to get going again depending on the crowds etc

    Times here

    click time schedule tab

    If you want an easy life leave St Jean 3 hours before arrival ie around 1.15. to 1.30 and keep to the right gutter!

    If a Gendarme stops you DONT whatever you do argue. Look crestfallen - they may wave you on. o0r Walk a bit and have anoither go. If they think you are taking the mickey though they will put you in a cell in Marseille with a serial killer
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    Can be a bit tricky determining this - it does vary depending on the stage - type of finish - general feeling of the Gendarmes..

    Not really the general feeling of the Gendarmes, it can vary from one to another. One will stop you, you get off and walk until he can't see you any more, jump back on and continue riding and the next will let you past.
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    I agree with SpecialGuestStar.
    The riders will go through St. Jean about 16.45, so (it being a mountain finish) I’d expect the road to be closed there by 13.45 at the latest, so min. an hour earlier than just anywhere along a stage route. Within 30 mins thereafter, it will probably be closed the whole way up.
    As the ascent is nearly 20 kms, to make sure you get up to La Toussuire, you really need to have left St. Jean by about 12.15 latest.

    Because a mountain finish, the road will probably be closed to cars as from midnight the night before.

    If you’re not so interested in riding the actual route, there is another road up to La Toussuire which you can take, through Jarrier and La Rochette (the TdF route goes through Fontcouverte and Villarembert).

    The route through Jarrier and La Rochette is the ascent used by the longer route of the cyclosportive "L’Arvan-Villards". In the cyclosportive, the riders then descend through Fontcouverte and Villarembert.

    (The cyclosportive takes place this year on 14 July, it gets about 250 participants, split about equally between the longer and shorter courses, and includes the Glandon/Croi-de-Fer, Montvernier and the Mollard, with La Toussuire as 'extra' on the longer route.
    As I too will be thereabouts for the 12 July stage - either at the top of the Croix de Fer or of the Mollard, I haven’t decided yet - I might well stay till Saturday and ride the cyclosportive)
  • disgruntledgoat
    disgruntledgoat Posts: 8,957
    Can be a bit tricky determining this - it does vary depending on the stage - type of finish - general feeling of the Gendarmes..

    Not really the general feeling of the Gendarmes, it can vary from one to another. One will stop you, you get off and walk until he can't see you any more, jump back on and continue riding and the next will let you past.


    In 2009 I was roughly man handled to the side of the road when atempting to beat the crowds off the top of the Petit St. Bernard... I forgot to take into account Kenny Van Hummel, who was about 2 hairpins down. In my defence, I was far from the only one and I still maintain he wouldn't have caught me until the other side.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"
