Visiting the Pyrenees - 1 week in September

hatone Posts: 228
Hello all,

I'm looking to visit the Pyrenees in September for a week with Le Domestique tours (recommended by fellow BikeRadar forum users). Having never visited the mountains before and would be even better I could get a group together to join me..

We're looking at 8th Sept - 15th Sept.

Anyone up for it?



  • verylonglegs
    verylonglegs Posts: 4,023
    Estimate of costs?
  • hatone
    hatone Posts: 228
    Hey verylonglegs,

    Currently the cost is £699 for a Saturday to Saturday week including airport transfers to and from Toulouse, accommodation for 7 nights in the chalet, breakfasts and dinners, guided and supported riding and all the coffee and pastries you can eat/drink throughout the day.

    If we could drum together at least 4 riders (either from bike radar or your fellow bike buddies who may be interested), cost would be reduced to £649.

    The trip can't go ahead unless we reach the allocated number of riders.

    Info of the tour here:

    Any further interests?

    Cheers Nick