Garmin Edge 305 average speed question

macondo01 Posts: 706
edited July 2012 in Road beginners

Could anyone please explain this.

Garmin Edge 305 with speed sensor on my bike. Towards end of ride the monitor displays 17.5 average speed. Get home upload the data and its 15.9. Has it just processed the average speed on the upload?

"Let not the sands of time get in your lunch"

National Lampoon


  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    if you slow down even slightly, kind of free wheeling, as you near your house the drop can be 1- 2 mph, it is an average after all.

    I've done a ride out to a round about with an av of 18, slowed to approach the roundabout and seen the av drop to 17.2 - maddening I know, but as long you're aware of the changes and improvements thats all that matters.

    Also garmins record the moving av speed too, these naturally differ from av speed taking into account stops etc.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • macondo01
    macondo01 Posts: 706
    Thanks. I think what has confused me is that it is usually the other way around. I look at my average speed towards the end of a ride and its say 16 mph and then my average moving speed is say 17mph when I upload it. I have never had it the other way around ie 17.5 mph then 15.9mph on the upload. Well maybe I just have to man up and face I wasnt cycling as fast as I thought! Cheers for you thoughts.
    "Let not the sands of time get in your lunch"

    National Lampoon
  • Could be the difference between the moving average and the total average for the trip.
  • macondo01
    macondo01 Posts: 706
    I think I have solved it. I uploaded it to Strava and looked at the graphs. There was 13 mins when the garmin was accidentally off but this time has been used in the moving time because I was further up the road (when it was switched back on) and a line is drawn across the gap. ie the off time was accounted for as moving time but not the distance covered in the off time. So actually its about 18.2 which I am quite chuffed about because it was windy and I cycled my guts out!
    "Let not the sands of time get in your lunch"

    National Lampoon