I feel a bit of a knoob

Calpol Posts: 1,039
edited July 2012 in Road beginners
Took the kids to a local bike event today. Great fun for an hour or so but cycling back with my 9 yo daughter I had my first off for while. Was riding my MTB, thought the front tyre was feeling a little soft but as was 500yds from home didnt pay too much attention. Went to bump down a kerb and the front just instantly deflated sending me over. Pride only immediate damage but elbow jarred as I reached out to avoid the full faceplant. Now cant move said elbow and am sitting with it in a sling.If I try and straighten it it is bloody painful. Looks like I won't be driving or riding for a few days :-(


  • If it were me I'd be sitting patiently in A+E. But I'm a wimp....
  • Ka12
    Ka12 Posts: 216
    Have you had it checked out? I fell off my bike and landed on my elbow but didn't get it checked, found out 6 weeks later that I had actually fractured it.
  • Calpol
    Calpol Posts: 1,039
    Will maybe go tomorrow to get it checked
  • Calpol
    Calpol Posts: 1,039
    A&E today - fractured radius. :shock: No riding for me for a week or two I guess.
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    Calpol wrote:
    A&E today - fractured radius. :shock: No riding for me for a week or two I guess.

    More like 6-8 weeks I think
  • FunBus
    FunBus Posts: 394
    Daughters can normally wait until they're at least around 16/17yrs old before their Dad's embarrass them.

    Poor girl ;)
  • buzzwold
    buzzwold Posts: 197
    FunBus wrote:
    Daughters can normally wait until they're at least around 16/17yrs old before their Dad's embarrass them.

    Poor girl ;)

    I see it as my duty to embarrass my children and 13 years old is ideal time to start. I suspect CalPols little daughter still thinks daddy's a hero.

    If it makes CalPol feel any better I fell off bike a few weeks back going uphill cos I stopped pedalling and forgot I was clipped in. Duh !! Badly cut elbow and ego massage required.
    Someone's just passed me again
  • Calpol
    Calpol Posts: 1,039
    Quick update - arm feeling not too bad - have a fair bit of movement back in it now. Not got the extension/range that I have in my right arm but about 90% i would say. i have been doing some gentle stretching/rehab exercises within the pain threshold. It hurt/aches and is stiff in the morning but loosens up not bad after an hour or so. Bought a turbo trainer and managed 45 mins last night to try and keep things ticking over. Managed to rest my left arm on the bars without too much discomfort. So all in all recovery seems to be not bad at the present time. Have had to cancel Glentress visit in 2 weeks time though :(