Time trial aero gear

Duncanandthemachine Posts: 263
edited July 2012 in Amateur race
So I've read all the Internet articles about house much time skinsuits, aero helmets, disk wheels etc will save you. These scientific tests are all well and good, but how much of a time saving do you good people think the above bits of kit will save in a 10 and a 25 mile TT?


  • edhornby
    edhornby Posts: 1,741
    there have been articles on this on BR main site but I think it's probably archived by now.....

    assuming you have just a standard bike and outfit, the biggest bang for your buck is a set of clip on tri-bars, but you need to get into the right position and practice to get the best out of it

    after that it's a skinsuit and a pointy helmet (2nd hand one off ebay if you can)
    "I get paid to make other people suffer on my wheel, how good is that"
    --Jens Voight
  • I've got a TT bike and am borrowing a pair of deep section wheels, I'm curious on people experience with other kit and the associated time savings in the real world.
  • esafosfina
    esafosfina Posts: 131
    I would say that all of the above has a positive effect... it simply depends on how much you wish to spend to get gains that you'll probably be able to get from training harder and smarter. Apart from the very real 'physical' advantages, getting some nice kit does wonders for a 'psychological boost'.
  • sub55
    sub55 Posts: 1,025
    anybody who gives a second's per mile saving, doesn't know what they're talking about
    constantly reavalueating the situation and altering the perceived parameters accordingly
  • prana-ferox
    prana-ferox Posts: 138
    pointy hat makes the biggest gain BUT if i had one and was racing alex dowset and he has a giro helmet from 1987 he would still beat me
  • blackhands
    blackhands Posts: 950
    Unless you do a 10 in under 21 mins I'm probably not far off to say that Alex Dowsett would probably beat you if he was on a shopping bike.
  • prana-ferox
    prana-ferox Posts: 138
    blackhands wrote:
    Unless you do a 10 in under 21 mins I'm probably not far off to say that Alex Dowsett would probably beat you if he was on a shopping bike.

    i can do a 10 in under 21 minute but i still think he would beat me on shopping bike :D
  • Zingzang
    Zingzang Posts: 196
    blackhands wrote:
    Unless you do a 10 in under 21 mins I'm probably not far off to say that Alex Dowsett would probably beat you if he was on a shopping bike.

    No, a Raleigh Grifter with spongy tyres