Slack at top of stroke

photomcbeth Posts: 69
edited June 2012 in Road beginners
Last night I went for a spin on my new road bike, first time on one for over 15 years. Felt great until I stood up to pedal. I felt like the chain was going slack at the top of each stroke. For a split second it felt like I wasn't applying power and then felt the tension again, with a jolt, at about 15deg past verticle. Only happened when standing, on the flat or climbing. I haven't noticed this on my mountain bike or during spin class.

Is it something to do with my stroke? I am wearing cleats for the first time.




  • Dan_Giant
    Dan_Giant Posts: 72
    The only time I find this happening is when I'm going to fast for the gear I'm in. So while it's ok sat down, as soon as you stand it's too much power so you go to fast for the gear. Try putting it in a higher gear.

    If that doesnt work then could be your technique. How to solve that I don't know.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    When you are sat your natural cadence is higher than when you are standing. So, if you are pedalling along comfortably and then stand up, you will be in too low a gear; standing you want to pedal more slowly.

    Therefore (unless you are standing to take up the drop in speed as the road starts to climb), when you stand out of the pedals you should at the same time drop to a smaller cog on the cassette.

    I think this is why people think that standing out of the saddle makes them go faster when really it doesn't make much difference. What it does do is use different muscles which can be useful.
    Faster than a tent.......
  • Thanks guys.