Fat burners?...

DanDax1990 Posts: 1,201
edited October 2012 in Health, fitness & training
Can anybody recommend some fat burning tablets that actually work?


  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    No, because there aren't any.
  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    The most potent fat burner is called "Getoffyourassanddosomething"

    It's totally free too and not available in shops
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    No, because there aren't any.


    Ride your bike.
  • mcnultycop
    mcnultycop Posts: 2,143
    I actually tried Thermobol and the comedy named Warrior Blaze. They both do work, in the sense that they increase you metabolism, but it appears to be mainly the caffeine that has the effect, and the impact they have isn't a massive amount. Just train and have a decent diet.
  • mattyg2004
    mattyg2004 Posts: 196
    Chesteze, pro plus and junior asprin
  • DanDax1990
    DanDax1990 Posts: 1,201
    I have a very good diet and train quite hard, A lot of people need help to get through 'the wall'

    I may try BSN Hyper Shred...
  • DCR00
    DCR00 Posts: 2,160
    whats your BF% ?

    ive tried several fat burners and the most effective was cycling 20 miles a day and doing a gym session at lunchtime

    just dropped off

    shame i drank it all back on
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    NONE of them work.
    If there really was a readily available "fat burning" stuff, do you really think there would be such widespread obesity?
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,786
    NONE of them work.
    If there really was a readily available "fat burning" stuff, do you really think there would be such widespread obesity?

    + fat potato

    There's nothing you can buy that'll actually have the effects you want.
  • jakjtb
    jakjtb Posts: 111
    there are none that work...except those ones like adios that make gullable lazy housewifes buy them in bulk....and then they only work by emptying the weight out of their purses.

    there are only 2 ways to burn that fat...get on't bike and get pedalling....or get in the gym and work your ass off!

    both include a side of not eating a lot and hard work
    i find that if you just talk, your mouth comes out with stuff - Karl Pilkington
  • tallmansix
    tallmansix Posts: 57
    The most cost efficient way is to consume less calories.
    FCN=10 Carrera Subway II with touring kit = rack, 2x Panniers and a bottle.
    No car, just a bike for everything 100+ miles / week. Commute daily Chorlton-Manchester or Chorlton-Horwich
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    So what do you weigh? If you train hard and eat very well?
  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    tallmansix wrote:
    The most cost efficient way is to consume less calories.
    Not always.
  • jakjtb
    jakjtb Posts: 111
    tallmansix wrote:
    The most cost efficient way is to consume less calories.
    Not always.

    unless by less calories he meant dont eat...at all
    i find that if you just talk, your mouth comes out with stuff - Karl Pilkington
  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    jakjtb wrote:
    tallmansix wrote:
    The most cost efficient way is to consume less calories.
    Not always.

    unless by less calories he meant dont eat...at all
    Nah. Just someone else giving advice on how much to eat without knowing anything about the OP's current intake.

    Quite common on the internets unfortunately :roll:
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    jakjtb wrote:
    tallmansix wrote:
    The most cost efficient way is to consume less calories.
    Not always.

    unless by less calories he meant dont eat...at all
    Nope, I think what he's getting at is, if you eat too little, your body goes into starvation mode, and tries to unnecessary store everything as fat.
  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    jakjtb wrote:
    tallmansix wrote:
    The most cost efficient way is to consume less calories.
    Not always.

    unless by less calories he meant dont eat...at all
    Nope, I think what he's getting at is, if you eat too little, your body goes into starvation mode, and tries to unnecessary store everything as fat.
    He meant "eat less" which is advice you cannot give because there is no information regarding the OP's daily calorie intake.

    For all we know he is anorexic and has just been told to eat less by a stranger on the internet. Highly dangerous yet common advice to give.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    Oh FFS :roll:
  • jakjtb
    jakjtb Posts: 111
    i suppose the most logical way of not eating too many calories is to make a note of what you consume during one week with calorie content and snacks etc and then see where you can cut some out.....
    i find that if you just talk, your mouth comes out with stuff - Karl Pilkington
  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    jakjtb wrote:
    i suppose the most logical way of not eating too many calories is to make a note of what you consume during one week with calorie content and snacks etc and then see where you can cut some out.....
    It only works if you're honest about it though. 7000 calories (3500 per lb) generally isn't hard to find if you're over-eating.
  • jakjtb
    jakjtb Posts: 111
    yeh you would have to be strict with yourself or else it would render the process utterly pointless
    i find that if you just talk, your mouth comes out with stuff - Karl Pilkington
  • Girya
    Girya Posts: 23
    mcnultycop wrote:
    I actually tried Thermobol and the comedy named Warrior Blaze. They both do work, in the sense that they increase you metabolism, but it appears to be mainly the caffeine that has the effect, and the impact they have isn't a massive amount. Just train and have a decent diet.

    The Warrior Blaze works due the quantity of Geranium found in it, search on DMAA, it's effectively an amphetamine. So yes with a good diet, and training the losses are greater.

    Other thermogenics include Grenade and Lipo6 Black, personally I think Warrior Blaze has too much Methylhexanamine for my liking.

    Methylhexanamine/DMAA is on WADA's banned substance list.

    A quality pre training supplement such as Jack3d would have a similar effect.
  • SpeedFræk
    SpeedFræk Posts: 111
    I am a nurse (studied a lot about nutrition) and CLA is very good (soft gel tablet) and great for stopping "bad" fat uptake. Its a supplement derived from natural safflower oil. CLA or Conjugated Linolic Acid is found naturally in a variety of foods too.

    I use this with a fitness program called Insanity, it keeps me in shape. I recommend it but it is brutal. If you want an athletic body that is - well like me. I have never looked back

  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    You reccomend insanity?
  • Girya
    Girya Posts: 23
    Insanity, the TV infomercial? :shock:
  • SpeedFræk
    SpeedFræk Posts: 111
    edited July 2012
    I know people who did it and they look fantastic. Its very popluar back home and in Spain. My fiancé and I have been using it. It's really brutal and it does work but you gotta be committed.

    I see a huge change in my physique after 1 month. it's 40 minutes per day (toughest worker ever) 6 days per week.

    The first week I had to take a lot of breaks and I am far from unfit. :shock:

    P.S if anyone is on Facebook there's lots of people posting they're before and after pics on the Insanity page

  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    I know some insane people, and some brutally insane people.

    Whoa there, nelly, hang on.
    What make you think this supplement makes any good on it's claims whatsoever, if you're doing the "toughest workout ever" at the same time?
    Chances are, if you're working out that hard, you'd see benefits regardless.
  • SpeedFræk
    SpeedFræk Posts: 111
    I know some insane people, and some brutally insane people.

    Whoa there, nelly, hang on.
    What make you think this supplement makes any good on it's claims whatsoever, if you're doing the "toughest workout ever" at the same time?
    Chances are, if you're working out that hard, you'd see benefits regardless.

    Likewise it comes with the job (psychiatric nursing) :wink:

    I remember watching panorama on health supplements did you watch it?

    I don't use whey proteins just CLA but it is natural.

    Well before I started any type of fitness I started taking CLA and I noticed I wasn't gaining anymore weight taking this supplement. However everyone's metabolism is different.

    It is everyone's choice if they want to take it sure, I know even caffeine, chili and blueberries are proven to be natural fat burners. I remember studying this at university
  • SpeedFræk
    SpeedFræk Posts: 111
    Unfortunately I cannot get access to the medical journals as you have to pay. I had a student membership

    Unfortunately from this from a file in the past this is all that I could copy from my student notes, however google may have published scientific studies.
    CLA has gained much acclaim for its safe and effective weight-loss benefits. However, CLA is not just a weight-loss wonder. In addition to promoting weight loss and reduced body fat, CLA enhances immunity, supports a healthy inflammation response and is a potent provider of antioxidant protection.
    "CLA reduces body fat by several mechanisms, including a reduced energy intake (and) increased metabolic rate." Am J Physiol 1998, Sept; 275 (3 Pt 2)

    “CLA may be a valuable weight management supplement to any diet regime. Keeping lean body mass and speeding up fat loss are the keys to a successful weight loss program.” Jan Wadstein, M.D., Ph.D, associate professor of medicine at Lund University in Sweden.

    "I really like the CLA. After two months, the results are amazing!" Susan Gordon, Santa Barbara


    Research proven to reduce fat, help build lean muscle
    CLA has gained much acclaim for its safe and effective weight-loss benefits. In fact, several scientific studies have backed up CLA’s use as a weight-loss agent. Not only does CLA help you lose fat, but it also has the added benefit of helping develop lean muscle mass.

    In a random-double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 20 healthy humans of normal body weight and body mass index less than 25.0 kg/m2, who did standardized physical exercise in a gym for 90 min three times weekly, CLA reduced body fat. Participants took either placebo (hydrogel) or CLA 0.6 mg, three times daily, as two capsules during meals, for 12 weeks. Body fat, measured using near infrared light, was significantly reduced in the CLA group during the study, but not in the placebo group. ,(Source: Thom E, Wadstein J, Gudmundsen O. Conjugated linoleic acid reduces body fat in healthy exercising humans. J Int Med Res 2001 Sep-Oct;29(5):392-6.)

    In another study of the metabolic benefits of CLA, fifty-three healthy men and women, aged 23-63, were randomly assigned to supplementation with CLA (4.2 g/d) or the same amount of olive oil during 12 wk in a double-blind fashion. The proportion of body fat decreased (-3.8%, P< 0.001) in the CLA-treated group, with a significant difference from the control group (P = 0.050). (Source: Smedman A, Vessby B. Conjugated linoleic acid supplementation in humans - metabolic effects. Lipids 2001 Aug;36(8):773-81.)

    Further investigating (and confirming) CLA’s benefits, in a four-week, double-blind, randomized, controlled study, researchers investigated the short-term effect of CLA on abdominal fat and cardiovascular risk factors on 25 abdominally obese men ages 39 to 64. Fourteen men received 4.2 g/day CLA and 10 men received placebo. After four weeks, there was a significant decrease in Sagittal Abdominal Diameter (cm) in the CLA group compared with placebo. The study participants taking CLA lost an average of 1.4 cm in waist circumference. (Source: Risérus U. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) reduced abdominal adipose tissue in obese middle-aged men with signs of the metabolic syndrome: a randomized, controlled trial. Int J Obes 2001 Aug 25(8):1129-35.)

    In a 2000 study, people who took CLA had significant reduction in body fat gain with no serious side effects. The findings published in The Journal of Nutrition (December 2000, Volume 130 #12) reported that people taking this supplement lost an average of six pounds and "statistically significant amounts of weight" without otherwise changing their diets.

    Time and again, the results come back telling the amazing success story of CLA for fat loss and lean muscle gain. Researchers have also discovered that CLA reduces body fat by increasing basal metabolic rates, which means the body becomes more efficient at processing the same quantity of food consumed.

    A significant study published in the 1999 issue of the Journal of Nutrition titled “Dietary Conjugated Linoleic Acids Increase Lean Tissue and Decrease Fat Deposition in Growing Pigs,” found that after eight weeks of supplementation, pigs receiving the highest amount of CLA showed a 31% loss of body fat and an increase of 5% in lean muscle tissue. Additionally, results showed back fat depth was reduced by 25% in high doses.

    What is CLA?
    Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a fatty acid related to the omega-6 fatty acids - one of the two types of essential fatty acids. Although CLA occurs naturally in meat and dairy products, most people do not consume adequate amounts through diet alone.

    Where is CLA derived from?
    CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) is a free fatty acid derived from safflower oil. Scientists estimate that our food supply once contained much higher levels of CLA before the advent of modern agriculture. Normally we would receive CLA through a diet complete with healthy amounts of beef and diary foods. However, changes during the last 30 years to cattle farming (grain fed vs. grass fed) along with low-fat dairy products have drastically reduced the amount of CLA people acquire through diet.

    Effective antioxidant protection
    CLA is a powerful antioxidant agent. In the body it is taken up by phospholipids, a class of fats that serve as the principal structural components of cell membranes. CLA enhances the cell membrane’s defense mechanism against attack by free radicals. Free radicals can dangerously alter the shape and form of a cell if left to their own devices. Antioxidant activity in a test-tube model has shown that, in a mixture of one part CLA to 1000 parts linoleic acid, peroxide formation on the linoleic acid was reduced by more than 90%.

    In one study, antioxidant activity was observed with only 0.25% CLA in the diet. Comparative studies have shown that CLA is approximately two times more powerful an antioxidant than beta-carotene and yet another study concluded that CLA “may produce substances which protect cells from the detrimental effect of peroxides” (J Am Coll Nutr 2000 Apr;19(2 Suppl): 111S-118S.) Peroxides are one type of ‘free radical’ that can cause permanent cell damage. The anti-oxidant properties of CLA also contribute to its immune strengthening activities.

    Stimulate immune activity
    CLA may also stimulate the production of key immune system cells and inhibit the release of an immunoglobulin associated with allergies. CLA influences the PPAR-gamma agonist, a class of internal cell receptors that are capable of suppressing the manifestations of inflammatory conditions, in an animal model. Research has isolated PPAR-gamma as the specific cell receptor involved in chronic inflammatory responses. CLA’s production of important immune-suppressing compounds such as leukotrienes and prostaglandins, make it a valuable nutrient for improving the body’s inflammation response.