Ride fat boy ride...

Crawlinguphills Posts: 95
edited June 2012 in Road beginners
Right, firstly, hello all!

Secondly I could do with some advice. I started riding again at a weight of 23 stone on Mtb's about six months ago. I absloutely love it and have dropped to about 19.10 during this time. My girlfriend is an experienced road cyclist, and in return for throwing herself into MTB's wants me to give road riding a go.

I guess the most important question is am I currently too fat for this? MTB seem far more robust than road bikes, and I dont want to be cycling down the road with cogs and spokes flying off and forks cracking. Am I best just to give it another few months on the MTB until I am a more reasonable weight, or can road bikes handle it? I am also 6ft 3, not sure why that is relevant, but thought I would throw it in there. Has anyone been in a similar situation?


  • finlayson99
    finlayson99 Posts: 213
    Hi and welcome

    IMHO there won't be any problem riding a road bike. They seem fragile but in reality are strong and won't give you any problems as long as you don't do anything "daft."

    The weight will continue dropping anyway as you ride it.

    Good luck and enjoy
    SC Heckler
    Chopper Mk2
    Merlin Malt-CR
    Revolution Courier 2
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Why don't you google 39stonecyclist and read up on his experience ... :)
  • alwaystoohot
    alwaystoohot Posts: 252
    Get on wih it fella and enjoy yourself.
    'I started with nothing and still have most of it left.'
  • Get a road bike - just don't get one with a rider weight restriction lower than what you weight! These weight restrictions are particular to wheels and carbon seat posts mostly though - ask the manufacturers direct. I say that cause I was a similar wieght and have had a Spesh Sectuer - I freaked out after reading a C+ article about bikes for heavy riders which said Spesh had a weight limit so I contacted the Concept Store where I bought mine and they confirmed that no Spesh bikes have a weight limit only carbon seatposts!
  • heftyrider
    heftyrider Posts: 70
    I've used my giant defy 2.5 for 70 mile and 50 mile charity rides whilst 20st+. I break before the bike :)
  • my boardman team was fine with me at 21 stone I'm now 18.9 stone and its still going strong :) i guess it like the fact that I'm getting lighter :)
    Trek Madone 5.9 2012
    Cboardman Team 2011
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    I was riding with my club last night. Not everyone is slim and svelte in Lycra... Just go for it and enjoy
  • I was a tad over 18.5st when I bought my Secteur and other than a couple of broken spokes have experienced no lard related issues.

    As my fellow Sectuer ride says avoid carbon and you should be fine. And potentially richer but that won't last if you buy a road bike....