Kink in tyre bead

20eyes Posts: 25
edited June 2012 in Workshop
I'm not sure if ths is a stupid question or not, but as I've never fitted a new set of tyres I have to ask.

I bought a new pair of Vittoria Rubino tyres online and they were delivered today.

I have noticed that there is a slight kink in the bead on one and I'm a bit nervous about it. I have straightened it out as best I can, but I can't get it completely straight.

Is there any danger in using this, or will the tube pressure take care of it.

Thanks :)


  • Smokin Joe
    Smokin Joe Posts: 2,706
    It wouldn't worry me.
  • topdude
    topdude Posts: 1,557
    I would do what you did, straighten it out and the air pressure will settle it on the rim just fine.
    He is not the messiah, he is a very naughty boy !!
  • jomoj
    jomoj Posts: 777
    Fit the tyre first and see if the kink affects how it sits on the rim. If it creates a bulge or flat spot then return the tyre, if not then you're fine
  • 20eyes
    20eyes Posts: 25
    Thanks for your help guys.

    When I got home last night and got a proper look at it, there actually looks to be a bit of stress in the rubber at the point in question, so I'm not going to risk it.

    Going to get a replacement, or might actually change them for foldable.