Office Tea Making Etiquette

Dog Breath
Dog Breath Posts: 314
edited June 2012 in The bottom bracket
Generally, most of us take turns to make the tea during the day. One person volunteered to make the first one of the day, but being Monday morning there was no milk. Said he would get some (we all chip in to a kitty), but didn't.

An hour later, said tea had still not materialised, so I offered to get drinks from the drinks machine - although this is pretty p1sh compared to real tea.

Some time later, I fancy another cuppa, but no other b*gg*r is getting off their arse to make one. Do I bite my tongue and go again to the machine again for everyone, or just go and get one for myself and sod everyone else.

Really annoys me sometime. Maybe it's because it's Monday.

Should this should be in the rants section?

Planet-X SL Pro Carbon.
Tifosi CK3 Winter Bike
Planet X London Road Disc
Planet X RT80 Elite


  • neiltb
    neiltb Posts: 332
    either accept new role as tea boy, or ask 'who want's a cuppa?' first to reply gets a reminder on location of kettle.
    FCN 12
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    I'm a bit autistic so I would never allow anyone else to make a drink for me anyway... why don't you just make your own drinks?
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,699
    Similar to pub rules. If I've finished my pint having just bought a round and the others are nursing theirs I'll get up and say "well if nobody else is gonig I'll just get myself one then". That usually shames someone into action.
    So just tell them you'll get your own if nobody else is willing to step up.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    In our office, either you're in the tea making circle or you're not.

    It's an opt in thing.

    Seems to work. I have no idea - I hate tea.
  • capt_slog
    capt_slog Posts: 3,965
    Dog Breath wrote:

    Should this should be in the rants section?


    We have a "rants section"? bl00dy hell that must be busy.

    But to answer your question....

    Is it raining? or is it a glorious day where you are? If it's the latter, take a leisurely walk to the shop enjoying the air to buy some milk. Justify this by making out that you are the hero and martyr by having to go out when it was that pi55 flaps' turn to do the same, and then make a nice cup of tea for everyone.

    The older I get, the better I was.

  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    I just make my own.
    It's not being anti-social, just that no one else makes it right.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,097
    Bloody hell, no bloody 'Rants' room are you having a laugh? I mean this is just completely out of order, its only Monday and the week is looking really bleak already and I have to put up with the OH's sudden bloody interest in Tennis just 'cos some overtanned greasy spick is on the telly and you have to put up with grunt grunt grunt out aaaaar! for almost two friggin weeks solid and have arguments over the fact that I want to "watch the cycling, cycling nothing but bloody cycling - thats all you watch, Wimbledon is only on once a year", and that Cameron basket is just winding me up something cronic the thieving poncy CONservative, I bet it will all go bloody wrong on Tuesday, no body gives a damn about... cont. p94

    I'll put the kettle on.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Dog Breath
    Dog Breath Posts: 314
    Milk, no sugar in mine please. :D
    Planet-X SL Pro Carbon.
    Tifosi CK3 Winter Bike
    Planet X London Road Disc
    Planet X RT80 Elite
  • DF33
    DF33 Posts: 732
    Bloody hell, no bloody 'Rants' room are you having a laugh? I mean this is just completely out of order, its only Monday and the week is looking really bleak already and I have to put up with the OH's sudden bloody interest in Tennis just 'cos some overtanned greasy spick is on the telly and you have to put up with grunt grunt grunt out aaaaar! for almost two friggin weeks solid and have arguments over the fact that I want to "watch the cycling, cycling nothing but bloody cycling - thats all you watch, Wimbledon is only on once a year", and that Cameron basket is just winding me up something cronic the thieving poncy CONservative, I bet it will all go bloody wrong on Tuesday, no body gives a damn about... cont. p94

  • muttley_109
    muttley_109 Posts: 177
    I always make the first round of the day so im exempt from tea duties the rest of the day. When i fancy another I just ask whose round it is, everyone else usually agrees that they fancy a cuppa and someone will get up and go make one. If not I just send someone to make it. :D
    Cannondale CAAD 10
    Genesis Equilibrium Disc 10
    Bird Zero TR
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    Us teachers are always too busy to drink tea ;-)
  • LeicesterLad
    LeicesterLad Posts: 3,908
    What is this 'Tea' you speak off? Were you meant to say 'Coffee'?
  • ridley2010
    ridley2010 Posts: 115
    I manage to get away with only making 1/4 brews by pretending to be busy......
  • Buy a teapot and a tea cosy - that way there's nearly always lashings of tea on tap. And loads of women in the office seem to be more prepared to talk to someone making a proper pot of tea!

    The only decision in the office now is how many bags to put into the pot. I'm on 2 and let it brew myself, but some use 4 or 6 for instant gratification and future stewing. Then there's the green tea brigade - endless refills (although the second pot does taste better.

    do you get the impression I like my tea?
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,699
    What is this 'Tea' you speak off? Were you meant to say 'Coffee'?
    Never drink coffee in this country. Only tea. The only coffee I drink is proper espresso in Italy. Order an espresso over here and they still try and fill the bleedin' cup. It should barely be more than a thimble full.
    Conversely, never try to drink tea abroad. They haven't got a clue. Even if they do, the milk is never quite right.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Veronese68 wrote:
    What is this 'Tea' you speak off? Were you meant to say 'Coffee'?
    Never drink coffee in this country. Only tea. The only coffee I drink is proper espresso in Italy. Order an espresso over here and they still try and fill the bleedin' cup. It should barely be more than a thimble full.
    Conversely, never try to drink tea abroad. They haven't got a clue. Even if they do, the milk is never quite right.

    I was on a sailing camp on holiday - when they decided everyone was going to have tea.

    They put two bags into a good litre and a half of water, and poured a glass out for everyone.

    They were quite shocked when the token Englishman (me) was quite put off the idea.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Road cycling = Coffee and variants there of.

    Tea is for ladees.

    wheres my tamper?
  • Yossie
    Yossie Posts: 2,600
    Bloody hell, no bloody 'Rants' room are you having a laugh? I mean this is just completely out of order, its only Monday and the week is looking really bleak already and I have to put up with the OH's sudden bloody interest in Tennis just 'cos some overtanned greasy spick is on the telly and you have to put up with grunt grunt grunt out aaaaar! for almost two friggin weeks solid and have arguments over the fact that I want to "watch the cycling, cycling nothing but bloody cycling - thats all you watch, Wimbledon is only on once a year", and that Cameron basket is just winding me up something cronic the thieving poncy CONservative, I bet it will all go bloody wrong on Tuesday, no body gives a damn about... cont. p94

    I'll put the kettle on.

    At least he's not a tw4t from South West Scotland on a shittty spick bike I suppose ........
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Yossie wrote:
    Bloody hell, no bloody 'Rants' room are you having a laugh? I mean this is just completely out of order, its only Monday and the week is looking really bleak already and I have to put up with the OH's sudden bloody interest in Tennis just 'cos some overtanned greasy spick is on the telly and you have to put up with grunt grunt grunt out aaaaar! for almost two friggin weeks solid and have arguments over the fact that I want to "watch the cycling, cycling nothing but bloody cycling - thats all you watch, Wimbledon is only on once a year", and that Cameron basket is just winding me up something cronic the thieving poncy CONservative, I bet it will all go bloody wrong on Tuesday, no body gives a damn about... cont. p94

    I'll put the kettle on.

    At least he's not a tw4t from South West Scotland on a shittty spick bike I suppose ........

    Hmmm, I am a twat fron SW Scotland but I do have 2 good bikes. Honest, plus the term Spick is a tad rotten. I am on Yossies/Yossina/Doooks side. :D
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,097
    I wouldnt call the tennis player a greasy spick if my OH didn't fancy him. I mean how am I supposed to compete with a huge salary, good looks, sex appeal and talent?
    There no need to dish the bike, its Italian and you can all f off with all that PC crap. This is BB you know, don't you start with your Mary Whitehouse 'oh you can't say that' bullshit, well I have and you are all gay. :P
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,699
    I wouldnt call the tennis player a greasy spick if my OH didn't fancy him. I mean how am I supposed to compete with a huge salary, good looks, sex appeal and talent?
    There no need to dish the bike, its Italian and you can all f off with all that PC crap. This is BB you know, don't you start with your Mary Whitehouse 'oh you can't say that' bullshit, well I have and you are all gay. :P
    Sorry I don't stray round these parts very often. But from what I've read shouldn't that be "your all gay"?
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,097
    Veronese68 wrote:
    I wouldnt call the tennis player a greasy spick if my OH didn't fancy him. I mean how am I supposed to compete with a huge salary, good looks, sex appeal and talent?
    There no need to dish the bike, its Italian and you can all f off with all that PC crap. This is BB you know, don't you start with your Mary Whitehouse 'oh you can't say that' bullshit, well I have and you are all gay. :P
    Sorry I don't stray round these parts very often. But from what I've read shouldn't that be "your all gay"?

    What says we can assume that some part of the body is not gay? Like your big toe for example. You cannot presume your big toe is gay just 'cos the rest of you is. So you lot are all gay apart from your big toes.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,699
    Imagine the trouble your legs could get you into if they were gay, but the rest of you was straight. They could keep walking you into gay clubs. At which point your top half doesn't want to play.
    The mind boggles.
  • I think some people are drinking the wrong brand of tea....
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,097
    Keep coming back here and no one has offered to make me a cuppa despite my philosophical theory of the big toe as a serious contribution to humanity.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    I had a mate called Big To, he was 5ft 4 and oddly his name wasnt anthony but he made a lovely cup of tea.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.