cateye wheelsize set up

k3vinjam3s Posts: 266
edited June 2012 in Road beginners
just bought a cateye micro and have it installed correctly and the readings it is showing seem acurate. the only problem i have is the wheelsize settings, its currently at 2096 but im unsure this is right. im using standard road bike wheels so is this the correct number? im sure another cateye user can clear this up for me.


  • Penfold06
    Penfold06 Posts: 161
    Don't quote me on this as its been a while since I had my Cateye but I'm 99% sure thats correct for 700C wheels.

    I think it is already set for 700C wheels so when it gave you the option to change the wheel size you shouldn't have had to do anything.
  • daveyroids
    daveyroids Posts: 223
    Its best to check. Each size of tyre 23c, 25c etc will have a different circumference.

    Have a look at these links which will answer your question:

    Looks like your computer is Group F
  • crankycrank
    crankycrank Posts: 1,830
    Yes, the Sheldon site explains it very well. That 2096 is the circumference in mm . I have found that the cateye recommendations for different size tyres seems to be pretty close to spot on most of the time. If you're a real stickler for accuracy, say 1/10th of a mile for every 30 miles you may want to do some measuring.