Did you have a glorious day on the bike?

kbmack Posts: 73
edited June 2012 in Road beginners
Well, in my case, a glorious one hour and 47 mins and 735 m elevation! Anyhow, were you able to make the most of the glorious day today? I checked the BBC weather site last night and decided I had to get out before commuting to work on the wonder that is the M25 (yum). So, up at 4.16am, hoofed down breakfast and out at 4.38am! The sunrise was incredible, the wildlife (relatively) exciting and the first 25 miles, on my local country lanes, saw no car pass me-wow!

More importantly, the wind was negligible, so I was able to push a bit more and get a tad more reward in terms of stats. This I really appreciated-it's been so windy recently!

Anyhow, do you have any happy moments to report from today on the bike?


  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    I did 2 hours today at about 1pm - in full super light summer gear for the first time this year, and only my 5th ride after a 10 week lay off following a broken wrist. Loved it and seem to have managed to get back to about 90% of my pre-accident fitness somehow, which was a pleasant surprise as my first 4 rides were hard++
  • finlayson99
    finlayson99 Posts: 213
    A simply superb 26 miles round the Cheshire lanes in the sunshine as I had a half day at work today.
    Love listening to the birds singing as I whizz along.................soft I know but true.
    All seems right with the world at those times.
    SC Heckler
    Chopper Mk2
    Merlin Malt-CR
    Revolution Courier 2
  • JonnyJH
    JonnyJH Posts: 47
    I just got in from a late 14 mile ride. Lovely and cool out but not cold, pushed my average speed and top speed up on the route and got a PB threw 2 Strava segments!
    A brilliant ride all round! :D
  • DaveL
    DaveL Posts: 188
    Really enjoyed today http://app.strava.com/rides/11281471

  • Dan_Giant
    Dan_Giant Posts: 72
    I went out for a lovely hours ride and covered a respectable 16.8miles. Considering its only the 4th ride on my new bike I'm pleased with progress.

    Loved being out on the bike with this lovely warm evening. Think this is going to become an obsession.
  • mcp73
    mcp73 Posts: 94
    Day at home today, so I had a quick run in the hills: http://app.strava.com/rides/11294104
  • ALaPlage
    ALaPlage Posts: 732
    No. None. Nil. Zip. Nada. :(

    Working all day then a 3 hr drive home through slow traffic on the M56, M6 and a bit better on the M60 and M62.

    But tomorrow :D day off and a nice early 50 miler planned across the Yorkshire Wolds.
    Trek Madone 5.9
    Kinesis Crosslight T4
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,412
    Yup - rearranged some teaching so I had the time off to nip round and over Dartmoor to see some friends. Total bliss. 88 miles of sunshine and hills: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1340899
  • rdt
    rdt Posts: 869
    55 miles around the Peak District back-roads; sunshine, empty lanes, nice cafe stop. Tip top.
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    Every day on the bike is glorious
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,412
    ShutUpLegs wrote:
    Every day on the bike is glorious
    True, but some are more gloriouser than others.
  • andy46
    andy46 Posts: 1,666
    Nope, not me :(

    Spent all day at work then though about going out tonight, even contemplated dragging out the mtb but I just didn't have the energy. Feel completely wiped!

    Hopefully I'll get myself pulled around and get out at the weekend.
    2019 Ribble CGR SL

    2015 Specialized Roubaix Sport sl4

    2014 Specialized Allez Sport
  • Evil Laugh
    Evil Laugh Posts: 1,412
    Yep had few days off in a row and they were all sunny. Did London-Brighton and back yesterday. Knocked out 125 miles 100 of which were glorious until the saddle sore started kicking in. In a bizarre twist I actually welcomed coming back over Titsey hill as I no choice but to get my ass off the saddle.

    Put myself through the ringer in the end but wasn't going to pass up a double century for the metric 100 challenge so I limped round Dulwich Park a few times to top up the kms. :lol:

    Spent today doing a mean impression of a baboon.
  • ianbar
    ianbar Posts: 1,354
    a no for me, couldn't get out as way laid by a bug! was hoping for 20-30 miles and some nice climbs after a nice ride monday, will aim for today and certainly the weekend come rain or shine!
    enigma esprit
    cannondale caad8 tiagra 2012
  • ineedalager
    ineedalager Posts: 374
    I went out for a long ride which got longer and longer and turned into my first 100 miler! Sub 6 hours just and a bit of a sun tan! I'm feeling really chuffed as that was one of my goals for this year. :D
  • Ringo 68
    Ringo 68 Posts: 441
    Not for me yesterday. Spent the day hacking my way around a golf course (my game has seriously declined since taking up cycling) and all the time looking forward to a nice ride this morning.

    Opened the bedroom curtains to find it is pissing down. :(:(
    Cube Agree GTC Pro
    Boardman Comp
    Carrera Subway Hybrid
  • klep
    klep Posts: 158
    Woke up early and planned a 130km ride through southern Holland and Belgium but I have a sh¡tload of work to do so I have to pass today :(
  • BobScarle
    BobScarle Posts: 282
    Yep. Got out last evening, 38 miles over Clent and the Lickey hills. Very sore legs when I got home but being out in the sunshine makes it all worthwhile.
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    No I didn't get out yesterday, too busy working. It was my birthday, but when you are self employed, sometimes you just can't take a day off when you feel like it. Next week will be different, just hope the weather improves.
  • nickel
    nickel Posts: 476
    Did a nice steady 30 yesterday, did a hard 60 on tuesday evening so yesterday I just took it slow and spinned the small ring, lovely day! Although tuesday evening was just as nice!
  • mark_ed
    mark_ed Posts: 17
    Got home from work and out for a 35 Mile spin, Spot on weather but passing country pubs with people sat outside in the sun is terrible when your pushing hard but could murder a pint :cry:
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Was going to ride with the club but the weather forecast suggested that it was going to rain steadily in the evening. And it did! So went out about 1pm and did 25 miles in just under 2 hours around the highways and bye ways of east Cornwall. And it was glorious!
  • cmt
    cmt Posts: 65

    Yesterday was terrible. The weather was great, but i slept in so didn;t get my morning ride to work (had to take the short 2 mile route), and last night it felt like someone had filled my tyres and shoes with lead shot.

    Today however despite the wind and generally poor weather i've had a stormer of a day setting some PR's on some segments and a KOM on another.

    Managed 18.5 on the way into work at 6:30 this morning and 18.5 (different route) on the way home.

    I've come to the conclusion that my legs only start to come in at around the 12 mile mark as i just wanted to go on and on and on. I even tackled some hils that i'd been putting off even though there was a full on headwind!
  • got out yesterday morning in the sunshine and did 32 miles b4 work in the afternoon best hour and 45 mins i spent yesterday :)
    Trek Madone 5.9 2012
    Cboardman Team 2011
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,122
    4 hours yesterday (Thursday) in the usual howling gale that blows round Aylesbury Vale. Cr*ppy weather with rain, etc. Miserable. WTF happened to summer??

    It's just a hill. Get over it.