Wet shoes

klep Posts: 158
edited June 2012 in Road beginners
When riding in bad weather, I tend to get wet shoes.
That isnt the real problem though. The problem is that they stay wet after the ride!

I want to ride my bike the day after a wet ride aswell but my shoes are usually still soaked... I once tried to use them anyway and turned back home after 1km.

What I do now is stuff and package them in towels and throw them in the washing mashine on centrifuge but I cant help think that this isnt very good for the shoes.
How do you guys handle wet shoe issues?


  • aidso
    aidso Posts: 493
    I would never stick my shoes in the Washing machine. They tend to fall apart - although putting them in a pillow case might be better.

    I hand wash with a sponge and scrubbing brush and then stuff with newspaper, to put them in the hotpress. After 2-3 hours replace the paper with fresh stuff and then leave over night. They should be dry the following day.
  • NITR8s
    NITR8s Posts: 688
    I usually just put cat litter in the shoes to stop them from smelling and either put them on a radiater or in airing cupbard. Or if a Dry day leave them outside.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Newspaper stuffed in them (you may need to change this after a few hours) and put in a warm but not hot place. Should work wonders.
  • schlepcycling
    schlepcycling Posts: 1,614
    cougie wrote:
    Newspaper stuffed in them (you may need to change this after a few hours) and put in a warm but not hot place. Should work wonders.


    Stuff them with newspaper and put them in the airing cupboard...works a treat.
    'Hello to Jason Isaacs'
  • unixnerd
    unixnerd Posts: 2,864
    You need overshoes to stop them getting wet in the first place.
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    Specialized Roubaix SL3 Expert 2012, Cannondale CAAD5,
    Marin Mount Vision (1997), Edinburgh Country tourer, 3 cats!
  • snoopsmydogg
    snoopsmydogg Posts: 1,110
    cougie wrote:
    Newspaper stuffed in them (you may need to change this after a few hours) and put in a warm but not hot place. Should work wonders.


    Stuff them with newspaper and put them in the airing cupboard...works a treat.

    another vote for newspaper.

    went out sat night in the rain for a couple of hours, got home stuffed them with newspaper and changed it before going to bed. Went out again about 9:30am on sunday and shoes were dry.

    overshoes are probably a better option though, not sure how waterproof but must make riding in the rain more comfortable.
  • klep
    klep Posts: 158
    Thanks for the tips guys, I'll try stuffing them with newspapers the next time (probably tomorrow)

    As for overshoes, I consider them more a piece of kit for keeping feet warm (even in wet condition) rather than totally dry.
  • racingcondor
    racingcondor Posts: 1,434
    +1 Newspaper. I keep a few copies of Metro in my drawer at work for days when I get soaked on the way to the office.
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,558
    in proper rain i never found overshoes that would kept things totally dry, but for shorter rides or lighter rain they can make a big difference

    as do the shoes...

    my ones have so much ventilation that they fill with water really fast unless i've got overshoes on, in which case it's just a matter of how long it takes water to sneak down past the ankle seal and reach the socks

    but on the plus side, there's no fabric or absorbent bits, putting the shoes right up against a fan dries them fast, a couple of hours is enough
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    Buy a 2nd pair :?:
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,810
    cougie wrote:
    Newspaper stuffed in them (you may need to change this after a few hours) and put in a warm but not hot place. Should work wonders.


    Stuff them with newspaper and put them in the airing cupboard...works a treat.

    + however many it is now...As an MTBer it's a problem I ve experienced a lot and this is the best way I ve ever found.
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • nickbuchan
    nickbuchan Posts: 26

    http://www.pedalrevolution.co.uk/pd1107 ... -overshoes

    are very good. I wear them when it's cool, cold, damp, wet and always have toasty warm dry feet.