Ten things you need to know about losing weight

Frank the tank
Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
edited July 2012 in The bottom bracket
Was an informative programme on REALLY (Virgin 267/sky248) last night. If you get a chance to watch it do. It will suprise many I think.
Tail end Charlie

The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.


  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    What was it about :?:
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    what was at number 7
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    what was at number 7

    If you don't sit around watching TV, you might actually lose some weight :wink:
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    As the post title suggests.

    TBH I only caught the second half, but it was challenging general pre conceptions about food/diet/exercise etc.

    One example journo was made to do 90mins on a treadmill and then made to relax and they were able to measure how many calories he'd burned. I can't recall the figure now.

    He was told to come back the next day and they would check how many calories he burned just by relaxing on the equipment (not the treadmill :wink: ) and measuring how many calories he'd burned. The result was x3 the amount he'd burned walking. The conclusion was his body was obviously using more calories in the effort to rebuild after the exrcise than the actual exercise itself.

    Just one of the five ways I saw. I'm going to try and catch it again.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    .... The conclusion was his body was obviously using more calories in the effort to rebuild after the exrcise than the actual exercise itself. ....
    But you have to do the exercise first for the body to rebuild so it's a whole picture thing and not that surprising.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    daviesee wrote:
    .... The conclusion was his body was obviously using more calories in the effort to rebuild after the exrcise than the actual exercise itself. ....
    But you have to do the exercise first for the body to rebuild so it's a whole picture thing and not that surprising.

    So is the best way to lose weight (not get fit) to train alterate days? That experiment would suggest so.

    Another one was two groups of people given exactly the same meal.

    One group had the meal + a drink of water. The second group had the meal+water liquified into a soup in a blender.

    Ultra sound showed the second group retained the meal in their stomach for twice as long thus the desire to eat was not there.

    Another one was protien rich diets fill you for longer I suppose tht's where Atkins got his ideas from? Obviously these are wight loss diets,plans rather than the sort of diets cyclists would be looking at. There was also one about the benefits of eating/drinking dairy produce aswell.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    daviesee wrote:
    .... The conclusion was his body was obviously using more calories in the effort to rebuild after the exrcise than the actual exercise itself. ....
    But you have to do the exercise first for the body to rebuild so it's a whole picture thing and not that surprising.

    So is the best way to lose weight (not get fit) to train alterate days? That experiment would suggest so.

    Another one was two groups of people given exactly the same meal.

    One group had the meal + a drink of water. The second group had the meal+water liquified into a soup in a blender.

    Ultra sound showed the second group retained the meal in their stomach for twice as long thus the desire to eat was not there.

    Another one was protien rich diets fill you for longer I suppose tht's where Atkins got his ideas from? Obviously these are wight loss diets,plans rather than the sort of diets cyclists would be looking at. There was also one about the benefits of eating/drinking dairy produce aswell.
    It depends on the level of exercise. Sleep and recovery is a huge part as this is the stage where muscle repair happens and where overall more calories are burned for some sports. ie: bodybuilders don't build muscle whilst squatting 100kg, it's built and repaired overnight and during recovery/rest periods over time. It stands to reason that a low impact sport like cycling would necessitate lower downtime than a Mr Olympia contestant.

    Protein does sustain you for long periods of time,usually recommended to consume some protein with each meal for this reason. Dr Atkins promotion of high fat diet actually led to his downfall. The man was obese when he died,depending on reports read he was pretty much a heart attack waiting to happen.

    ps: will have to find this series ; If you have 90mins to spare
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    The Atkins diet was based around some discredited theory about forcing the metabolism into ketosis or some such b0llocks.
    It does appear to work for many in terms of weight loss, although the levels of fat it allows probably have adverse effects on the cardiovascular system.

    Later research showed that the weight loss was because the high protein content kept people full for longer so in fact they were simply eating less / fewer calories.
  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    keef66 wrote:
    The Atkins diet was based around some discredited theory about forcing the metabolism into ketosis or some such b0llocks.
    It does appear to work for many in terms of weight loss, although the levels of fat it allows probably have adverse effects on the cardiovascular system.

    Later research showed that the weight loss was because the high protein content kept people full for longer so in fact they were simply eating less / fewer calories.
    Exactly why Dr Atkins released two versions of his book. Some followers of his first died! It does work but takes days to actually get to a stage where the body is burning the fat anywhere near as efficiently as carbs. Comes with many side effects inc nausea,halitosis,migraines,tiredness. [context]There are NO known endurance athletes who live on ketogenic diets[/context]

    But really it isn't a diet at all. It's starvation - the response is exactly the same as undereating the only difference is maintaining the state. No carbs,no glycogen - the body turns to fat stores -metabolism slows down - eat normally and regain. It's not healthy,balanced or sustainable.
  • NUFCrichard
    NUFCrichard Posts: 103
    Actually a pure endurance athlete would be ok in ketosis as it means that they would efficiently burn fat, which is the goal in endurance.
    For road cycling it is not so good as there are times when you need to go anerobic, like when there is a climb.

    I am also pretty sure that it is the fat that is satieting, not the protein. A high protein diet is unhealthly as the kidneys have to work too hard.

    The theory of forcing the body into Ketosis isn't disproven at all, it is a medically recognised treatment for epilepsy actually.
  • [context]There are NO known endurance athletes who live on ketogenic diets[/context]

    Quite popular a few years back in the School of Excellence round here over winter. Tins of tuna and egg whites etc, keto sticks provided. Eat enough to prevent your body breaking down, just. Not healthy and it would leave you dead by the time racing season was around, but you could see all the veins on your body by February.
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    The ex did Atkins, and it's one interesting diet. She ate belly pork, loads of fat laced foods and started losing weight. She was also insolin resistant which somehow made it the 'right' diet for her. I tried to understand it but failed.
  • There only 2 things ya need to know...Move More ..Eat Less
  • adm1
    adm1 Posts: 180
    Bunneh wrote:
    The ex did Atkins, and it's one interesting diet. She ate belly pork, loads of fat laced foods and started losing weight. She was also insolin resistant which somehow made it the 'right' diet for her. I tried to understand it but failed.

    It works quite well for Type 2 diabetics. (With some caveats: 1) Any low carb diet will work just as well 2) if you are doing lots of exercise, then add more carbs). So really, let's forget Atkins, but discuss a "low" carb lifestyle.

    Essentially, low carb diets work well for people who want to lose weight without exercise.

    Obviously, if you cycle a lot, you need more carbs. So add them. The tricky bit is balancing the carb intake to your needs without filling your bloodstream with extra sugars which kicks off the whole diabetes thing. This comes through blood glucose testing, prefernce towards low GI carbs and experience.

    I live on a low carb diet principle as I am a Type 2 diabetic, BUT I add in enough carbs to balance out my exercise needs. So essentially I eat a diet with just enough carbs, but no extra.

    Works well for me. Your mileage may vary.
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    "Essentially, low carb diets work well for people who want to lose weight without exercise."

    This is a good point well made. Although who is that on this site? :D

    The 'average' person is recommended by the Gov to eat 150gms of carbs per day.

    I eat 300gms per day, I am diabetic, I clearly don't live on a low carb diet.

    It is about choosing complex carbs over simple carbs, it's not really about lowering the number of grams of carbs per day, we need cycling fuel not sugar rushes and it's highs and lows.
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    There only 2 things ya need to know...Move More ..Eat Less

  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    There only 2 things ya need to know...Move More ..Eat Less
    Stupid comment to make. This isn't always the case.
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    There only 2 things ya need to know...Move More ..Eat Less
    Stupid comment to make. This isn't always the case.

    Yes it is.
  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    Secteur wrote:
    There only 2 things ya need to know...Move More ..Eat Less
    Stupid comment to make. This isn't always the case.

    Yes it is.
    It ain't
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    Secteur wrote:
    There only 2 things ya need to know...Move More ..Eat Less
    Stupid comment to make. This isn't always the case.

    Yes it is.
    It ain't
    Oh yes it is!

    A bit early for panto isn't it? :wink:
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    ...women dressed as men, men dressed as women, lots of thigh slapping, not the panto, you lot! :D
    my isetta is a 300cc bike