Should I be Embarrassed

NITR8s Posts: 688
edited June 2012 in Road beginners
By having a fall. While doing a ride on sunday, I tried to take a shortcut by missing out the lights and as it was really wet when I tried to take a sharp corner the bike slid and ended up on my side. I quickly got back on and finished the ride. I have a nice bruise on my leg, a bit roadrash and a rip in my overshoes to show for this.

Question is, should I be embarrassed or not.


  • getprg
    getprg Posts: 245
    Nope - stuff happens
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Character building
  • Raffles
    Raffles Posts: 1,137
    If you havent taken a good dive then you havent been riding enough. The amount of Del Boy tumbles I took when I first got SPD shoes.......... :wink:
    2012 Cannondale CAAD 8 105
  • klep
    klep Posts: 158
    The only embarrasment is in asking this!
  • Rule74Please
    Rule74Please Posts: 307
    2 types of riders

    those who have just fallen and those who are soon to.

    you've just moved from one camp to the other.
  • MichaelW
    MichaelW Posts: 2,164
    NITR8s wrote:
    Question is, should I be embarrassed or not.

    Yes you should.
    You've let us down. You've let your parents down. But most of all, NITR8s, you've let yourself down.
  • NITR8s
    NITR8s Posts: 688
    MichaelW wrote:
    NITR8s wrote:
    Question is, should I be embarrassed or not.

    Yes you should.
    You've let us down. You've let your parents down. But most of all, NITR8s, you've let yourself down.

    I knew it, time to end it then.
  • Wheelspinner
    Wheelspinner Posts: 6,662
    Not. Consider it your graduation ceremony from Road Beginners to.... ?
    Open One+ BMC TE29 Seven 622SL On One Scandal Cervelo RS
  • essjaydee
    essjaydee Posts: 917
    NITR8s wrote:
    Question is, should I be embarrassed or not.

    Hell yes :lol:

    I was when I had a similar off on a busy road, so why should you get away with it :P
  • southdownswolf
    southdownswolf Posts: 1,525
    Should I be embarressed that I have not had a fall yet? Does this mean that I am not going fast enough around corners?
  • Blancmange
    Blancmange Posts: 103
    Should I be embarrassed that I have not had a fall yet? Does this mean that I am not going fast enough around corners?
    Yes and yes. But in your heart you already knew the answers.

    Ripped Lycra and permanent scarring are essentials in becoming a real roadie.
    - Slave to the cadence -
  • nickellis
    nickellis Posts: 239
    Sounds like standard operating procedure. Take a shortcut trying to be a clever ass, eat tarmac.

    Much like when I tried doing a 2 minute trackstand at a set of lights, lasted 1:55 seconds, wobbled, couldn't get my foot out of the toe-straps. Ate asphalt. Next day straight down Cycle Surgery for new shoes a clips :oops:

    The queue of traffic found it hilarious. My right shifter didn't.
    Trek 1.1c (2012) - For commuting
    Trek Madone 5.5c (2010) - For pleasure ... G_0413.jpg
  • Gizmo_
    Gizmo_ Posts: 558
    Rule #64 // Cornering confidence increases with time and experience.
    This pattern continues until it falls sharply and suddenly.
    Scott Sportster P45 2008 | Cannondale CAAD8 Tiagra 2012
  • BruceG
    BruceG Posts: 347
    klep wrote:
    The only embarrasment is in asking this!
    ^ +1
  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731
    NITR8s wrote:
    Question is, should I be embarrassed or not.


    Falling off is never acceptable and I'm surprised now that the cat is out of the bag that you haven't been banned from the BR road forums and banished to BR family riding sections.
  • Herbsman
    Herbsman Posts: 2,029
    You either are embarrassed or you aren't. It's not something you can switch on or off, unless you're planning on feigning embarrassment.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Was embarrassed this morning outside my house when I stopped to adjust before I set off not realising that my foot had clipped in... All the kids playing outside thought it was very amusing as I sank gently to the road ...
  • naomi168
    naomi168 Posts: 2
    lol shii happens I crashed into a lampost on my first ride on a bike after a few years and i really don't care carried on like nothing happened despite cars hooting lol it will only get to you if you let it.
  • alex1rob
    alex1rob Posts: 95
    Gizmo_ wrote:
    Rule #64 // Cornering confidence increases with time and experience.
    This pattern continues until it falls sharply and suddenly.
