Wrapping new bar tape

jgsi Posts: 5,062
edited June 2012 in Road beginners
I was going to post in Workshop/cake Stop but no, I 'd thought i'd give people a chance to research and get to know how not to ruin £10 s worth of new bar tape .. not that i have, you understand ... just nearly

Wrapping around the hoods..

clever pro race mechanics figure of 8 method or
the cop out use the 2 inch strip of xtra tape way?


  • EX DH
    EX DH Posts: 194
    Figure 8 every time. Have a look on you tube for a fizik video showing you how. Took a bit of practice but looks a loead cleaner than adding that extra bit.
  • SaintMark
    SaintMark Posts: 68
    Prefer figure of 8 but depends how long your roll of tape is. You need quite a lot to do the figure of eight neatly, especially if you want to put gel pads underneath as I did. I had to opt for the second method because I didn't have enough tape on the roll (Bianchi original tape). Maybe other brands give you a bit more, I don't know.

    +1 for watching youtube videos before you start.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,688
    The bit I always struggle with is cutting the taper at the end and getting a neat finish.
  • turbo1191
    turbo1191 Posts: 501
    just did this for the first time, bought the lizard skin bar tape and was dreading it going wrong.. as a above, watch the fizik vid on you tube and use the figure 8.. all good.
  • Herbsman
    Herbsman Posts: 2,029
    parktool is and always has been the answer to these kind of questions. http://www.parktool.com/blog/repair-hel ... n-drop-bar
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    having quickly read it.. it does seem to just advise using the 2 inch strip method, not the figure of 8 panache style.. and the photos are dire.. and he is cutting the tape in the end the wrong way!!
  • klep
    klep Posts: 158
    JGSI wrote:
    having quickly read it.. it does seem to just advise using the 2 inch strip method, not the figure of 8 panache style.. and the photos are dire.. and he is cutting the tape in the end the wrong way!!
    I'd find the photos quite useful and he cut the tape exactly how it's supposed to.

    If you prefer a very detailed video with good info you should check out this video:

    It's part 1 of 2 video's explaining how to wrap your bars. Good luck :)
  • racingcondor
    racingcondor Posts: 1,434
    Definitely figure eight method with YouTube as a reminder of how to get it right. Perfect results and you don't have to try and hold a 2 inch bit of tape (that never stick) in place while trying to wrap, hold your bars and maintain tension all at once.
  • cryocon
    cryocon Posts: 46
    You can never get it wrong anyway. Just unwrap it and start again, but leave the cutting until you're totally happy with the wrap.

    I've tried both ways, figure of 8 and normal using short strip. It depends on the thickness of the tape really. If it's quite thick the figure of 8 can cause the hoods to bulge too much.
  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731
    Do all of the above... ^^^^^^ and remember that you wrap the tape a specific way (to stop it undoing itself!)

    But... before you wrap your lovely new bar tape - have a practice with the old stuff until you are happy with what you are doing. It's not difficult... just a few things you need to get right.

    I love Prologo Skintouch Gel tape..... but like some other tapes mentioned, I'm not sure you'd manage a figure of 8 due to it's length.
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    klep wrote:
    JGSI wrote:
    having quickly read it.. it does seem to just advise using the 2 inch strip method, not the figure of 8 panache style.. and the photos are dire.. and he is cutting the tape in the end the wrong way!!
    I'd find the photos quite useful and he cut the tape exactly how it's supposed to.

    If you prefer a very detailed video with good info you should check out this video:

    It's part 1 of 2 video's explaining how to wrap your bars. Good luck :)

    I maybe looking at it wrong but it seems to me that parktool guy is cutting so that the straight edge is not on the outside to make a neat finish before applying the insulation tape... video is better , less chance of confusion