Cramp OUCH!!!

JonnyJH Posts: 47
edited June 2012 in Road beginners
Went out for a ride today after work with the intention of doing a new top distance. Only 13 miles so hardly far but as I have only been cycling a week am taking it easy :)
My route was to be a 6.5mile loop with about 250 feet of climbing I done a few times and quite like, twice.

First time round went great, my average was up a little from the last time I rode it (yesterday) as was my top speed. Second time round started off even better, was pushing a bit harder than the first time round, was feeling good and was quite confident would up my average again!

Then about 8.5 miles in started to get the first twinges of cramp in my left calf. I backed off but didn’t stop, thankfully it went away and I put the power back on.
Then again at 12 miles, just as I hit the biggest climb of the ride and a mile from home BANG! Extremely painful and crippling cramp but in my right calf this time just as I hit the climb! Had no choice but to stop, was almost 10 mins before it settled down enough to carry on, albeit somewhat gingerly...

So being a newbie and all, my question is what went wrong?


  • DavidJB
    DavidJB Posts: 2,019
    Probably tried to do to much? Not hydrated enough? Could be a number of things. Make sure you stretch often (every day) and don't go out guns blazing from the start...first 15 minutes of any ride should be a gentle warmup.
  • slowondefy2
    slowondefy2 Posts: 348
    Can happen when you're dehydrated. I use Nuun on every ride now, some people might say its over the top but it makes a huge difference for me.

    In addition to the previous reply, you should never stretch cold muscles.
  • izza
    izza Posts: 1,561
    I was getting cramps on many of my bigger rides this year. Have done the following and they have disappeared:

    - The day before and day of a sportive/big ride I use rehydration sachets in morning drink of water
    - For ride drinks, have added scoop of whey protein and electrolyte tablet to early drinks
    - Prior to event have a cup of water/Orange juice with pinch of salt

    Might be over the top but has worked for me, although unsure if it is the extra salts, greater hydration or insulin management via proteins.
  • slowlanejane
    slowlanejane Posts: 312
    With all these little medical issues the most obvious answer is also the most likely - you just did a bit more today on a muscle unused to the effort and got cramp. Your body's not a machine, it takes time to adjust. If cramping becomes a regular occurrence, start to consider causes. As a 1-offf its just that - a 1-off.

    Keep going with your sensible, manageable approach to getting into riding. Drink when thistry, eat when hungry. All the sensible, manageable things. It'll be OK.
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    Drink when thistry, eat when hungry. All the sensible, manageable things. It'll be OK.

    however, some do pronounce waiting to feel thirsty then drink - is - too late
  • JonnyJH
    JonnyJH Posts: 47
    Well seeing as it was to be almost double any distance I have previously done the most likely explanation seems I possibly tried to go too far and/or push to hard…

    Was quite bummed about it as even though I got cramp at two points making me back of/stop and was going twice as far then before my average speed for the whole ride was still up from the day before on the same loop but only going round the once.
    Makes me think should I not have got cramp what would my speed have been!
    When I got home other than still feeling the cramp a little I wasn’t done in at all and wished I could have gone round a third time! :?

    Interestingly enough looking as Strava my performance for both laps was remarkably identical!
  • Gizmo_
    Gizmo_ Posts: 558
    I had a big cramp attack last night too - very irritating. I'd gone 10 miles or so out of my 12-mile homeward commute and I was cut up by a woman in a Peugeot, had to put my left foot down and as I extended to leg groundwards my calf just grabbed itself. Stopped, stretched it, rolled home at no-effort-at-all, stretched some more, applied Nurofen gel... seems OK today.

    Might look into some potassium tablets if it starts happening more often... nothing looks worse than a bloke in full Lycra, standing next to a nice bike, pushing on a bus stop because the body is weak.
    Scott Sportster P45 2008 | Cannondale CAAD8 Tiagra 2012
  • navrig
    navrig Posts: 1,352
    Cramp is so difficult to predict and avoid. My experience is that frequency and severity drops with fitness so presevere and be patient.

    I normally get it in the calf and in the muscles in my foot. Both hurt like hell and stop me doing anything until it has stretched out and stopped throbbing - how do you stretch a foot?

    However on the Etape my quads started cramping at about the 40th mile and continued until the last incline at about 78 miles. I found that scoffing a gel gave me some relief for about 20 mins. I did have a double strength bottle of High5 isotonic water during the first 50 miles.

    Eeventually on the last hill both quads went into a sever cramp and I had to jump off and roll around on the verge. I hate to think how many people cycle passed me and asked "Cramp?"!!!
    No, I just like rolling around on the grass dressed in lycra ;-)
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    I used to find I'd get calf cramp when I was doing shortish loops in the winter, and pushed too hard on the penultimate hill. Easing off and spinning like buggery seemed to help.

    Doesn't happen in the summer, so it might have been something to do with the cold. Or maybe I was just pushing too hard given my relative fitness / lack of miles.

    Do still find my feet cramp easily after rides though. Not worked that one out yet...