Look Keo Pedal axle
Removed my Leo Keo Carbon Pedals today (model 2011) and noticed the left pedal axle is moving a bit, right pedal is solid as a rock!
Anyone know if you can tighten the pedal axle? (moves up and down quiet a bit makes a clicking noise using my hand) noticed when pedaling the left pedal has a quit a bit of play.
Anyone know if you can tighten the pedal axle? (moves up and down quiet a bit makes a clicking noise using my hand) noticed when pedaling the left pedal has a quit a bit of play.
looks like a 18mm wrench....but axle is oddly shaped...wonder of there is a Keo removal tool out there....not yet found on google......0
ok fixed the problem...used a 19mm wrench in a vice (Leo Keo Carbon 16nm pedal 2011). Removed the Axle, axle was fine, was greased at the end. The pedal inside looked ok and fine. I then used lithium grease and appled at end of Axle and as well as middle near bearings. The bearings are sealed, so I guess you would have get a new Axle or find out from Look directly to replace. Inserted the Axle back in and tightened hard not really hard to cause any unforeseen issues as its a harden plastic washer type thing that holds the Axle. I moved the pedal up and down and the pedal movement has gone....yipeeee!!! problem fixed. clicking sound gone! Pedal is smoother......what was the issue anyway? I think the Axle wasn't in screwed in tight enough, became loose somehow.....can't think of anything else. But they were fine when I brought them only 9 months old, done about 4,000km
So....it's easy to remove a Leo Keo Carbon Axle and look after your pedals rather than fork out another £150. My last Look keo's lasted 15,000kms0 -
For info
KeO carbons need a 'box wrench' (== ring-spanner in English) to remove the axle.
KeO classics and sprints use a special Look tool which is available easily enough on web bikeshops - it's a red/orange plastic thing which also fits the Look Delta pedals0 -
For future referance look axle assys have a two year warranty, if you get play inside this time look will replace them.0