Menchov's TT position

Clements753 Posts: 77
edited June 2012 in Pro race
FF posted a picture of Menchov's TT on this thread viewtopic.php?f=40002&t=12857593&start=480 asking if he was going for the Obree superman style.

However, I think this is more to do with modern bike design, than the rider. In the spring this year my training partner and I both bought new road bikes and spent alot of time measuring/comparing bikes.

He actually bought a Canyon SLX (triffic bike) but wanted an Aeroad. He physically wouldn't fit on the Aeroad as it was too long for him compared to seat tube height. I bought a Dolan Ares which again was too long in the top tube for him.

If you look at that picture of Menchov he doesn't have that much seat pin showing and his shoulder line is quite a way back from the front of the bike (I am aware the picture is taken from the front which might affect the view/angles).

I think his position is more a result from the bike design rather than a "superman" position and that actually one frame size smaller with a longer stem would have given a traditional more balance position.
