Possible crack in carbon frame????

delete_my_account Posts: 192
edited June 2012 in MTB workshop & tech
Hi everyone. I have an On One carbon 456. It has a mix taper headtube meaning that I had to get a hope pick and mix headset. I have ordered the correct cups from different websites and the bottom one has arrived and I installed it with a makeshift headset press (a long threaded rod, 2 nuts and 2 big washers) to start with and then two bits of wood and a g-clamp once it was in, to get it in properly. I have just found a small 10mm long crack in the paintwork which starts about a 1mm away from where the installed cup is. I was wondering whether people think it's possible to crack the carbon part on the outside of the frame by installing a headset cup, given that there are aluminium/steel inserts which actually make contact with the cup rather than carbon. The carbon just covers up the inserts. ...Or whether it's probably just a crack in the paint. The cup was fairly wonky at one point.

Delete my fucking account.
