Cirencester to Cheltenham safe road route

ChumpyPiestrong Posts: 4
edited June 2012 in Road beginners

I'm planning a long road route to try out my new road bike. Has anyone got any suggestions for a safe and tested road route between Cirencester and Cheltenham? Keen to avoid the dual carriageway!



  • I use the old Cirencester Road - A435 or you could use the White Way that runs adjacent to it.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Yepp, lot's of good ways, it all depends how convoluted/lumpy you want to make it.

    Probably my favourite would be one which is scenic and lumpy along the White way which finishes with a nice climb out of Withington and then drops into Cheltenham via Charlton Kings:

    A convoluted way, avoiding most traffic but one small section of the A40:

    A direct way on a reasonably undulating main road (which really is not too bad) is just go straight on the A435 (quite a few cyclists use this road so it isn't one to fear).

    Lot's of options!

    I can give more detail if you let me know what you are looking for (for instance, you need to be careful on some descents due to adverse cambers, etc.).

    Edit: Sorry for repeating some of Rich's comments (I was head down and mapping!).
  • Brill - thanks both! I'll have a look at these options and plan something. Hoping to do from home in Chippenham to a friend's in Cheltenham weather allowing!
  • daxplusplus
    daxplusplus Posts: 631
    If your coming up from Chippenham then I'd recommend not going to Cirencester at all (not that I don't like Ciren) but I commute along a route from Tetbury to Cheltenham that's pretty cool: ... cheltenham

    There's a million and one variations around this route but this is pretty direct while still enjoying some great roads.

    Getting to Tetburyfrom Chippenham should be a piece of cake but not having done it I can't recommend any particular route.

    Any questions fire away.
    Sometimes you're the hammer, sometimes you're the nail

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  • OP, without wanting to appear acerbic, would it not simply have been easier to look at google maps and come up with your own route?
  • Friendly... thanks.
  • Mike39496
    Mike39496 Posts: 414
    OP, without wanting to appear acerbic, would it not simply have been easier to look at google maps and come up with your own route?

    How do you get the "other cyclists experience" option on google maps? I keep looking but I can't find it anywhere.

  • slowondefy2
    slowondefy2 Posts: 348
    edited June 2012 can be a good resource to help find cycle routes.

    Experience from other cyclists is nice, but there's not really any substitute for studying a map yourself. It's easy enough to avoid dual carriageways, and there's a shitload of small country lanes to find around Cirencester and Cheltenham.
  • Mike39496 wrote:
    OP, without wanting to appear acerbic, would it not simply have been easier to look at google maps and come up with your own route?

    How do you get the "other cyclists experience" option on google maps? I keep looking but I can't find it anywhere.


    Answer: You get your own experience

  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    I use the old Cirencester Road - A435 or you could use the White Way that runs adjacent to it.

    I've ridden the A435 and can confirm that it's OK and generally wide enough not to put you in the dreaded "two eight wheelers meeting" situation. :shock:

    Apologies for stating the obvious, but with a lot of tree overhang on the road you should make sure that you are good and visible, maybe even running a rear light. It'll be OK once summer is here, of course. :roll:
    Purveyor of "up" :)