New to the forum.... and cycling! - Any help/tips?

str1ker1212 Posts: 28
edited June 2012 in Road beginners
Hi All,

I'm 35 from Manchester and have been cycling for 4 months. My good mate has been cycling for years and has been nagging me to buy a bike. I finally gave in and bought a Cannondale CAAD8 Tiagra which i absolutely love. All i can say is that i have been bitten by the cylcing bug and cannot imagine my life without my bike! - I have always been active through playing football and although i'm not obese i am trying to lose a stone to aid my cycling (currently 5,9" and a tickle under 12 stone)

A young family sometimes dictates the amount of riding i do but generally i average just under 16 mph over 30 miles which i am looking to improve. I understand that time in the saddle and some interval training will improve this but was wondering if anybody has any general tips they found really useful when new to road cycling? - My endurance seems to be ok (ish) with my friend commenting on how quickly i am improving on the bike but i seriously need more confidence on hills and i often worry whether i will finish a ride when i'm unsure as to the route we are taking.

Main points i need to improve on are - Confidence - Techinique (hills) - Post race nutritional know how!

Any help or advice would be greatfully received !


  • Sicario
    Sicario Posts: 25
    Drink plenty before going out. Make sure you also have a sufficient amount of water with you. Sip and do not take big gullups. I recommend drinking before you become thirsty, after all you'll end up dehydrated quicker if you don't.

    Take the hills at your own pace. Big discussion right now on how to tackle hills, everyone is different so perhaps tackle them differently and just learn the technique best for you.

    I find a banana or 2 after a ride helps, but these should probably be eaten before!

    Confidence just comes with the ride. Cycle 3 foot from a curb so cars are not squeezing past you. If you cycle close to the curb you are not giving yourself much room for movement.

    I'll post more shortly.
  • singleton
    singleton Posts: 2,523
    Hi and enjoy your bike - good choice.

    I don't feel confident enough to give you a lot of advice, but what I will say is to make sure that you've got your bike adjusted correctly for you size wise - getting mine adjusted has added free speed to my rides.

    Also, if you don't have any yet, try to get some clipless pedals and learn to use them :)
  • snoopsmydogg
    snoopsmydogg Posts: 1,110
    dont fear hills just go out and ride them, if you dont make it first time then go back until you do. You'll be surprised how quickly things will change and you can look more positively at them.
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    Singleton wrote:
    Also, if you don't have any yet, try to get some clipless pedals and learn to use them :)

    Having first worked out that you actually clip into clipless pedals - WTF - I mean its as if they make this stuff difficult on purpose to fox the new folk. :roll:

    I started in January and it is amazing how quickly you pick stuff up (if you have endless hours to read on here and in magazines) :shock:

    The best thing I did was get some poor unsuspecting local riders to let me tag onto the back (well try to). Brought my riding on amazingly well - or have they got slower?? :P
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • slunker
    slunker Posts: 346
    Read through the road beginners section.............
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Put on yor best 'thick skin' and don't take any sh*t from anyone on here (unless you deserve it ! )

    Have a read of the following threads, they're legendary !!

    Be Warned :
    Do Something :

    Attack the hills they soon start to get easier.
    Gradually increase your distances, you'll be doing 100km in no time.
    Go commando under your lycra.
    Don't use WD40 as a chain lube.
    Wear what you like (that includes team kit).
    Don't post telling us you have a fantastic supplier of decals, then not show us (Another legendary thread by Ezy_Rider :
    Don't tell us that you're a commuter who has an adversity to the 'Girls in...' threads.
    Don't worry about it if not every roadie out there acknowledges your waves/greetings when out on the bike.

    Other than that, just get out and ride :D
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • CarleyB
    CarleyB Posts: 475
    My advice, learn to handle your bike at slow speeds as well as fast. That will improve you no end! More advice, just ride and enjoy :)
    Level 3 Road & Time Trial Coach, Level 2 Track Coach.

    Blackpool Clarion CC

    Blackpool Youth Cycling Association
  • Blancmange
    Blancmange Posts: 103
    Make your safety your responsibility. Never assume there are no vehicles behind you just because you
    can't hear any. Always check over our shoulder before contemplating a manoeuvre. Give clear hand signals.
    - Slave to the cadence -
  • grony
    grony Posts: 75
    Thanks to MattC for that link to the Be Warned!! thread, absolutely priceless, any more thread classics?
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Commuting Chat [over there look --->>>] is a good place to pick up ideas although there's a bit less biking over there these days. There is a sticky though - Things To Know : viewtopic.php?f=40012&t=12760848
  • dav3e
    dav3e Posts: 46
    I've been riding for a couple of months now and have a regular 14 mile ride that I do 2-3 times in the week, with a longer ride at the weekend (30+ miles), and I have found that I am getting slightly quicker each week. Obviously this is good motivation in itself, so now my next step is to start incorporating some steeper hills. Unfortunately, I'm my own worst enemy as I always try to mainatin the same average speed regardles of how far I go......Advice to newbies (myself included) just ride and enjoy.
    (PS - str1ker, I'm usually riding aroung the Swinton-Kearsley-Farnworth-Walkden area of Manchester myself....just look out for the guy with the pained expression)
  • Thanks for all the advice, it's great to know theres a corner of the internet i can come to for help.