No way to treat pensioners

Frank the tank
Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
edited June 2012 in The bottom bracket
How would it go down with the powers that be if:

I erected a gazzebo on my garden and made an elderly couple aged 85/91 stand under it for over two hours in the cold and p1ssing down rain.

No it wouldn't go down very well, in fact I wouldn't do it but then again I don't know the queen and the Dof E.
Tail end Charlie

The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.


  • Rigga
    Rigga Posts: 939
    Haha im sure there was someone laid under em both yesterday holding em up
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    Prince Philip has been taken to hospital, got an infection :wink: ,shrewd man, now he doesn't have to sit and listen to Gary Barlow, JLS and all the other crap acts tonight.
  • Well, they are grown ups and I'm sure they would have asked for seats if they wanted them. And I can't imagine anyone saying no can you?
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    Prince Philip has been taken to hospital, got an infection :wink: ,shrewd man, now he doesn't have to sit and listen to Gary Barlow, JLS and all the other crap acts tonight.

    Good news, Prince Philip has been discharged from hospital just in time for his 91st birthday, :wink: , shrewd man, hopefully Gary Barlow and JLS are performing at his party!