What a day!

team47b Posts: 6,425
edited June 2012 in The bottom bracket
Today whilst out for a ride Mrs T hit a drain cover and got a snake bite. Whilst changing the tube the owner of our local cafe on his day off happened to drive by, he waved and continued on his way.

After pumping up the tyre we went straight to the nearest cafe, ordered two coffees, when we went to pay we were told that it had already been paid for by another customer, turns out our local cafe owner also stopped at this same cafe and saw us sat out front and paid for our coffee before leaving via the side exit to the car park.

How nice was that. Made up for the p*ncture. Went home and whilst repairing tube a neighbour called round and invited us to her house for lunch.

Some days are like that. :D
my isetta is a 300cc bike