Garmin Route/Course

skyblueamateur Posts: 1,498
edited June 2012 in Road beginners
Apologies if this has been done a thousand times before but I'm having a problem uploading a course/route to my Garmin 305.

I've got some routes saved as a .gpx but when I try to uplaod in Garmin Connect it says that the activity cannot be created.

Can anyone please advise? Thanks


  • wheezee
    wheezee Posts: 461
    If you can't get it to work on the Garmin site, might be a good site to try. There's some helpful guides there somewhere too.
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    garmins only accept .tcx files - they are garmins in-house course files. You can upload your gpx to here

    and from the convert drop down convert it to a garmin course tcx file.

    if you want to add comments at junctions etc you can also upload it to here

    click the courses tab - when its uploaded you can add track or course points.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • skyblueamateur
    skyblueamateur Posts: 1,498
    Thanks a lot.

    I can now get the courses in Training Centre but when I send them to the 305 it says the transfer is complete but with problems. When I look in courses on the 305 it's not there either. Anyone shed any light?
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    the courses hide in training I think, have you had a look there.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • And check the number of waypoints etc as there is a hard limit which is quite small for the 305. It will not load and appear in the courses section if its too large.
  • My Garmin (edge 705) accepts both .tcx and .gpx files, so I would expect your 305 does too. I don't use communicator but create routes (.gpx) and courses (.tcx) using ridewithgps or bikeroutetoaster and upload directly to the garmin when it is connected to my computer and shows up as a separate drive. In the drive folder is a Garmin folder, inside that folder you'll find or can create a 'GPX' folder and 'Courses' folder, and put the respective files in there. Find gpx under routes on the garmin and courses under training.
  • skyblueamateur
    skyblueamateur Posts: 1,498
    Thanks very much for the help
    And check the number of waypoints etc as there is a hard limit which is quite small for the 305. It will not load and appear in the courses section if its too large.

    I think this may be the case as I can upload it as a route but not as a course. How do I change the number of waypoints and are they of importance?

    Bit complicated all this :oops:
  • binsted
    binsted Posts: 182
    Has some useful tips about Garmin edge
  • skyblueamateur
    skyblueamateur Posts: 1,498
    The 305 doesn't show up in 'My Computer'. I can see it in 'Devices and Printers' and it shows as 'Garmin USB GPS' but I can't acces any folders?
  • term1te
    term1te Posts: 1,462
    I'm not sure if it is the same on the 305 as the 800, but I just drop the .gpx files into a folder called NewFiles and they appear, as if by magic, in the courses menu. I plug the Garmin in with a USB cable, click on Garmin, then click on Garmin again, then NewFiles and paste in the GPX file. I think the Garmin converts the file to it's prefered format, as once they appeared as a course, they disappear from the NewFiles folder.
  • The 305 pre-dates the 'appears like a drive' functionality and cannot be accessed thus.

    Create the route in bikeroutetoaster or ridewithgps and use their built in transfer facility to load the courses to the 305.
  • skyblueamateur
    skyblueamateur Posts: 1,498
    Thanks for all your help. I just tried sending it to the 305 again in Training Centre and it worked perfectly. Mental :roll:

    Thanks all though for you help 8)