getting really fed up now!!



  • v2p
    v2p Posts: 36
    what ever shorts i try on the pad is always way to far forward before i even get into a riding position.
    As others have pointed out, this does sound peculiar. Have you tried going into an evans or cycle surgery or whatever and trying the shorts on in a changing room and asking one of the staff to have a look at it. If the pad is riling up your front even whilst you're still standing, it does sound really strange.

    As for personal experience, I'm 6"0 with fairly long legs and short arms, and thought I could make a second hand 56cm frame work for my commute, what with having a shorter top tube length and possibly being more comfortable. The problem with the 56cm frame was that when the saddle/seat post was adjusted to the correct height, the steerer of the fork was too low down which meant even at its highest height, the handlebars were too low down. That might be something for you to consider before you go out and get a 56cm frame. At your height a 58cm allez should fit you right. And its always better to get the right frame first, and then make small adjustments around the frame.

    You have said you've tried getting shorter length stems, but have you tried flipping the stem around so that the angle is pointing upwards rather than down. Also most stems are very close to flat with about a 6 degree angle, so flipping the stem doesn't do much. Have you tried a stem with a bigger angle, say 12 or 24 degrees. Flipping say a 24 degree stem to have it upwards will raise the handlebars a great deal. It could be that what feels like too far a reach/ a too long top tube, is actually your handlebars too low down. If the handlebars were at a higher height, the reach could feel shorter as you aren't bending over as much.
  • Muffintop
    Muffintop Posts: 296
    keef66 wrote:
    "If it just hurts on the sit bones (two little points in the groin)"

    I know boys and girls are built differently, but either my sit-bones are in the wrong place or yours are. I don't intentionally sit on my groin!

    Hahaha! Groin is perhaps the wrong place exactly. Crotch...? I want to say the bit before your bum hole, but not as far as the testies. I don't have these bits and my expertise in this anatomy is limited through not being a complete slapper. Perenium? Definately the sit bones, but untill they're sat on properly, most folk don't know they've got them (I certainly didn't know I had).

    FCN: Brompton: 12, Tourer: 7, Racer: 4
  • chunkytfg
    chunkytfg Posts: 358
    There is lots of speculation as to the fit of the bike. Simple answer to that is to bung up a couple of side on pics of the bike with you on in with foot at bottom of stroke and your hands on the hoods.

    I'm 1/2'' inch taller than you and 17stone(was alot more) and also ride the equivalent of a 58cm frame.

    I've tried various saddles and never found one that is sofa comfortable as they all make your backside ache eventually but you get used to it. I find moving about on it helps, bit of time on the hoods in middle or on the drops on the nose when on the flat/downhill then sit back on it and put hands on the top of the bars for climbing. plus get out the saddle every so often. It helps trust me.

    The suggestion of chamios cream is also one to take note of. I use sudocream and it makes a huge difference reducing chaffing
    FCN 7

    FCN 4

    if you use irrational measures to measure me, expect me to behave irrationally to measure up
  • foo-fighter
    foo-fighter Posts: 113
    thanks for all the advice guys, i will try to upload a couple of side on pics in the next day or so. then people can see if the bike is the right size.