Tuscanny maps

dakkar Posts: 64
edited June 2012 in Tour & expedition

I'm taking my partner on her first bike tour and we are flying to Pisa the plan is to cycle through Tuscany to Verona including Lucca and Florence then on to Venice. Please could anyone recommend any maps for Tuscany and Italy please?

Thank you.


  • andymiller
    andymiller Posts: 2,856
    The best general-purpose maps are the Touring Club Italia 1:200,000 maps. You'll need at least number 7 (Toscana) and numbers 6 and 4. The TCI maps are plastic so waterproof and very hard-wearing. They also show scenic routes. Kompass do some nice 1:50k maps which show cycle routes.

    That's quite an ambitious route for a first tour. Bear in mind that Tuscany may not have many mountains but it's got some steep climbs (though usually not very long). The Appenines also obviously involve a bit of climbing. If your partner isn't an experienced cyclist then it may not be the best choice of starting point. The Veneto on the other hand has lots and lots of options - have a look at the region's tourism website (IIRC Veneto.to) they have some excellent routes and there's a book you can buy (hopefully you can buy online). This includes a really nice island-hopping route around the edge of the lagoon.

    Oh and I don't want to sound like a wet blanket but bear in mind that you can't take bikes into Venice itself. So You need to aim for somewhere like Chioggia, Fusina or the Lido.
  • dakkar
    dakkar Posts: 64
    Hi Andy,

    Thank you for taking the time and for giving some valuable info and advice. I don't think I have appreciated the hills of Tuscany enough for her first tour. I was in the northern Alps last summer so thought the rolling hills of Tuscany would be a doddle but your suggestion re Veneto souinds like a very good idea. I need to do a little research.

    Cheers :D